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It only takes an instant for things to change… And most of the time it happens for the worst.  

"They did what?" Rafe exclaimed from his room causing Y/N to stop and put her ear to his door.  

She loved having a good snoop. Especially if it helped her get him in trouble with their father. God only knows how much money he's stolen from this family. She hopes one day that he'll stop blackmailing her. However as long as he knows where she sleeps she is stuck doing what he says.  

"They sank my damn boat! I know it was them, why the hell did you have to do that to him at the golf course!" Y/N thought for a moment about who they were talking about. 

However, it then rang a bell. Pope had some bruises when she had seen him the other day and seemingly all the other pogues knew how he had gotten them. Though they had seemingly kept it on the down-low and this was why.  

It was her damn brother.  

 "Hey Y/N," Topper mumbled leaning against the door frame of her room as she grabbed her jacket and her purse.  

She turned toward him through a smile. He was so handsome standing there in the sunlight that peaked through the curtains. His hair was a little messy on top of his head but not too messy like it had been done before and that had happened throughout the day. 

"Skittles?" Y/N questioned through a grin looking at the giant bag in his hand. 

"Taste the rainbow," He grinned, shoving a handful into his mouth. 

Y/N laughed following behind him as they met Rafe at the bottom of the stairs. "Let's go!" Next thing she knew it her jeep was arriving at the drive in.  

Or well in this case the fake one Outerbanks always hosted. 

"I didn't know your brother was coming," JJ mumbled as he and Y/N were buying sodas from the snack bar. 

"Yeah and listen I-" 

"Hey are you ready?" Topper questioned coming over and putting an arm over Y/N's shoulders. 

"See you later?" Y/N questioned JJ who nodded.  

Y/N sat on a blanket with Topper after that. Eating skittles and having a great time. "Who doesn't like the yellow skittles are you nuts?" Topper questioned, causing her to shrug.  

"Skittles aren't my favorite so…" Y/N trailed off unknowing of what to say.  

"Oh then what is your favorite?" He asked as she was about to respond Rafe came over and pulled Topper away.  

So Y/N was stuck watching the movie alone. She decided that this would be a great time to go hang out with the pogues. 

Though she never made it when she saw Rafe going behind the screen of the movie. "Oh you're kidding me," She sighed, having to go follow him.  

"Listen Rafe if you plan on pranking everyone at the drive in then I don't-" Though before she could continue Y/N almost tripped over Pope on the ground.  

All eyes turned her way. Kelce, another one of Rafe's friends, was holding JJ along with Topper. By the looks of it Rafe had been using the blonde as a punching dummy. 

"What the hell is going on here?" 

"We're just teaching these pogues a little lesson about not sinking our boats," Rafe snarled out as JJ tried to get free and do some damage on the kook yet it was no use.  

"Just let him go," Y/N tried to reason not wanting to get in the middle of this.  

She loved her brother, she had also known Topper and the Pogues since they were kids. Even if she hadn't been the closest to either of them it still didn't feel right to choose.  

"Yeah that's a great idea," JJ agreed, causing them to send a glare his way.  

"Y/N go… You don't need to be caught up in this," 

"Oh really because it looks to me like my brother and my four friends are about to kick the shit out of each other!" 

"Friends?" Topper questioned distracting him enough for JJ to elbow him and get away.  

He tackled Rafe to the ground, punching him hard across the jaw. Y/N let out a yelp as when Rafe crashed to the ground he had elbowed her in the side.  

"Pope!" JJ exclaimed, reaching out to his friend however Rafe went to make a move so the blonde pinned him down even harder. "Pope… Y/N are you ok-" 

Though before he could get out the rest Topper and Kelce were pulling him off of Rafe roughly. JJ let them drag him like a rag doll. He went to make a move however Kelce countered his action with a knee to his stomach.  

"Now I won't have a boat for a month!" Topper exclaimed, his face turning red. "All because of you!" 

The blonde didnt say anything, he just smiled showing off his bloody teeth. Obviously him not replying made the others fume as they began to beat the shit out of him.  

Y/N pulled Rafe away, and Kiara heard Y/N's screams and showed up jumping on Toppers back. However she was quickly thrown off. Pope was barely awake and from the ground grabbed onto Kelce's leg making him fall.  

Next thing they knew the screen was on fire.  

Everyone scrambled away leaving Y/N standing there dumb founded. "JJ!" She exclaimed, hovering over his lifeless body on the ground. "JJ! JJ… Please…" Kiara and Pope were now beside her as Y/N let her tears fall.  

However, everything around her faded as two hazel eyes met her own.  

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