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It's been years since you've been back home. You grew up in stardew valley but once the high school burnt down and your grandpa died your parents thought it was best to move away. You stayed in contact with hayley and Alex, Abigail, and sam of course, since they were your closest friends but it just wasn't the same. After years of being stuck in the city it was time to read the letter grandpa had left for you, and as you opened it you quit your job and threw a joja cola at your old abusive manager. You ran out and back to your apartment where you packed up immediately. It was time to go back home. Back to stardew valley.

Wow this farm looks like fuckin shit. Wonderful. I shoulda came home sooner, woulda been less to do back then. Better get started.

As i worked through my first day, planting seed just how grandpa taught me. And well doing all the farm work that grandpa had taught me i realized it was almost 5pm. I hadent eaten anything all day and only had water from the small pond near by. I decided it was a good idea to head to the saloon. I went inside to change and shower but as soon as i went into the shower the water that came out was green and chunky. I put my old gross clothes back on and walked over to the saloon. Ill deal with this disaster tomorrow.

Gus:oh hey! It's y/n! Wow you've grown so much since i saw you last my boy!
Y/n:hey gus. How have you been?
Gus:wonderful! Ive learned so many more recipes and tried even more experimental dishes
Y/N:well you know I'm always one for experimental food. As long as its free.

He laughed at me and handed me a meal, he told me it was on the house and i sat in the booth i used to sit in as a teenager. I saw my name was still scratched in along with all my friends names. Abigail dotted her eyes with little eyeballs, hayley put hearts around hers, alex put stars around his, and sam put music notes around his. But mine...was plain. I never did anything special when i wrote my name. Not sure why it just seemed like more work than i was willing to put in. I mean it was just my name after all. As i sat admiring it someone plopped down in front of me. It was shane. He was a year older than me and i had a crush on him all through high school. He moved when he graduated but i never heard about him after.

Shane:hey, i know you.
Y/n:uh ya i used to go to school here when i was younger. I was a grade lower than you.
Sam:wait..is that..OH MY YOBA Y/N!?
Y/n:sam! Hey dude!

Sam hugged me tight, i didnt realize how much i missed him until i held him close to me. He still smelled my daisys and sunlight. Never knew how he did that. Soon Abigail came in after him and she tackled me, kissing my cheeks. I pushed her off lightly. Trying not to laugh at her affection.

Abby:y/n, why didnt you tell us you were coming home?!
Y/n:i did. But no one responded.
Sam:oh right, the internets been down for a few weeks. Sorry man.
Seb:maybe here in town.

Then there was Sebastian. I also had a crush on him but abby told me long ago that i can only have one love. And I wasn't allowed to hoard all the men in stardew. Which frankly i just found rude. But it was funny. Sebastian didnt talk much to me once we became preteens and him and Sam started dating, but wed always sit quietly in the library together or help each other ditch classes and then go our separate ways. When i moved he gave me a box with an obsidian piece in it and said nothing. It was the weirdest and best thing someone has done for me so far.

Y/n:hey seb, how've you been?
Shane:oh right you were that little pipsqeak that always tried to flirt with me.

Then i died from embarrassment. Only natural of course, i thought i was being sly about it or at least that he'd never talk about it. I sat back down and stuffed my face, the trio joined me and shane went back to his corner.

Sam:so why are you back?
Y/n:quit my job, my grandpa left me his old farm and well here i am. I was really unhappy in the city.
Seb:dont know how, this place sucks.
Y/n:maybe because you've been here so long. Out there....its worse to me. Back here, its laid back and i just feel calmer.
Abby:helps that there are cuter boys out here
Y/n:ya that definitely helps. Oh speaking of cute boys, where's alex?
Y/n:hey you denied me long ago emo boy you cant go ugh on me.
Sam:haha he got you!
Seb:i didnt...ugh whatever.

Seb went to the pool table that got installed because of us in high school. We were so annoying and bored that gus had us do free labor just to get it. Being back here with them feels like home to me. I feel so much happier now acting just like we used to. Sadly though, i know i have to be careful. If i act like a teenager too much again i wont be able to live. These guys...they all have someone to take care of them, they can afford to act like this. But i cant. And thinking about all that kinda sucks. But for right now, i can afford to act like a dumb teenager just a little.

Shane:hey, so are you really fixing that old farm up?
Y/n:uh ya. Why?
Shane:if you need help you can call me or just come get me. I live with my aunt marnie again just below your farm. I'm free most days and after 5 on the weekdays is when i get off joja but honestly I'd be happy to blow off work. They cant fire me anyway.
Y/N:I'd love the help. Can i have...can i have your number then?

He scribbled it on a napkin and i immediately put it in my phone before joining my group again. I still had a crush on shane but i didnt want to make him uncomfortable. As i went back Abigail sat on my lap and looked at my phone. I had been adding shane to my contact.

Abby:wait you can text?
Abby:why the actual fuck didnt you tell us?! When did you get a phone?
Y/n:...like a month after living in zuzu
Seb:you know we could have just texted you instead of emails. Right?
Y/N:youre telling me, the great mysterious Sebastian, the man who has never replied to an email i wrote him would Text me?
Sam:wait you never replied to him? Bro i saw you writing emails to him before
Seb:those..i saved them as drafts i never actually sent them
Abby:we have to read them
Y/n:we do
Sam:too late. We will.

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