Chapter 25

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Liam's POV

I woke up with a mild pain in my neck. Guess, the consequences of sleeping on a chair the whole night. After all, it's all worth it if you wake up to a beautiful sight like Privi, I thought. I turned around to see if she was still sleeping. To my surprise, she was not there. I looked around the room to see if she's there but in vain. I got up from the chair and went to check the washroom. I knocked on the door but no body replied.

"Privi, are you inside?", I said, calling out to her.


No answer.


"If you don't answer me then I'll be coming inside.", I warned.

I paused for a moment to hear any movement inside but it was way too silent. The only thing that I could hear was my heartbeats. I turned the knob of the door and carefully peeked inside the washroom. With one eye open, I could hardly see anything. I called out to her again but no response. I opened the door with sudden jerk to see if she was there. No, she wasn't. She was gone. But where? More importantly, when?

I rushed downstairs to see if she was there. I looked everywhere but she was nowhere to be found.

"Stelllaaa.", I screamed.

Stella came rushing to me. "Yes sir, do you want something?"

"Did you see anyone leaving the house in the morning, a girl to be specific, in a green colored dress?", I enquired.

"I'm afraid sir, I haven't", she said.

Depressed, I walked back to my room. I stepped inside the shower and let the hot water calm me down. I couldn't think about anything that could have caused her to disappear on me. Was she mad at me? Did I do something wrong? Was she mad because of the moment we shared last night?

After taking a good amount of time in the shower, I decided to go to her place. Talking to her on the call didn't seem right. If there was something that she was upset about then it had to be talked out face to face. I changed into blue shirt and black jeans. I folded the cuffs of the sleeves so as not to look formal. I called Luke but he didn't answer. Strange. He usually answered my calls on time. Anyways, I decided to head to Sihag Mansion all by myself. Guess, it's in the fate for Luke to miss a chance of meeting Eliana. I grabbed my keys and went to the parking lot. I opened the door to my Aston Martin and started the engine. It came to life the minute I pressed my foot on the accelerator and drove away to Sihag Mansion.

I reached there within a few minutes and parked in front of their porch. I stepped out of the car only find Privi's car missing. If she was not at home on a Holiday, then where could she be. I knocked on the door but received no answer. I knocked again and waited for a few minutes. On receiving no answer, I decided to leave but stopped when I heard some shuffling inside the house. I turned around and the door opened to reveal a distraught and shabby girl whose eyes were blood shot as if she had been crying all day.

"Privi, what's wrong? What happened to you?", I enquired, frantically. She tried to shut the door on my face but I stopped her by placing my hand on it.

"Why are you here? What do you want?", she said, trying to hide behind the door.

"I came here to see you because you left without telling me", I said trying to step closer to her so that I could comfort her.

"Don't you dare touch me, Liam! Leave me alone! I don't want to see your face ever again.", she said and it broke my heart. What's wrong with her?

"Butbut what have I done to cause such misery to you?"

"Don't act all innocent, Liam. I know very well what you did with me last night. Just because I was not in my senses doesn't mean that I'm available", she said, her eyes tearing up. "You took my advantagein my unconscious condition. You raped me!!", she shouted on my face.

My eyes went wide with shock. Raped??Me and her???? She's definitely mistaken.

"What are you saying? Who said this to you?", I asked, not able to believe what she said.

"I saw you, LiamI saw you. You were in the same room as mine and our clothes... They were on the floor", she said, trying to cover away. The way she was pulling herself away from me was breaking me from the inside. I would never take her advantage, let alone RAPE HER! It was all getting messed up and on top of that, she was not even listening to me.

I pushed the door ajar, behind which she was trying to hide. She stepped back, shocked by the amount of force I applied to open the door. She was covered in a woolen dress which ended just above her knees, accompanied with a stole. I stepped closer to her while she backed away. I held her shoulders while she tried to break free.

"Stop it, Privi! Enough of hiding away. Things are already messed up and on top of that you're not even letting me explain myself!", I shouted because I was tired of everything.

"Don't make me call the cops on you. Leave right now!"

I inched my face closer to hers and whispered, "Try calling the cops on me but before that, you have to hear me out. I won't leave until everything is clarified", I said.

She was quiet. She knew she had no option but to comply.

"Last night nothing happened between the two of us", I sighed. She parted her lips to say something but I stopped her. "Trust me this one time. I would never do anything to hurt you." I wanted to tell her about the kiss that we shared but that was not the right moment. First, I needed to know what she remembered. "Now tell me, what do you remember about last night?"

She took a moment to think about it and then revealed whatever she remembered.

"Last night, I saw you and that girl hugging. She hugged you like she already knew you way too well. I watched you guys have a conversation and felt like a third wheel. So I went to the bar and.. picked up a bottle of champagne. I went to your backyard and drowned myself in it untiluntil you came". She hesitated on continuing so I nodded my head for her to go ahead. "That's when you kissed me!"

Oh fuck!!! She remembered that.

"Everything after that is a bit blur", she said and I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"After that, you almost passed out so I took you to my guest room so that you could relax. Then I went to my own room to change as I was equally tired. Josh came to take you home but you were in deep slumber so he didn't force you. You slept in all alone on the bed", I said, trying to reason out everything.

"But, then why were my clothes on the floor and why were you sleeping only in joggers?", she asked.

"It's because that's how I sleep, with only my bottoms. However, I don't know about your dress. Maybe the alcohol made you feel hot so you removed your clothes, maybe you were uncomfortable. How would I know?", I shrugged. "I was sleeping on a god damn chair the whole night!"

"Why?", she asked with the utmost innocence.

"So that you wouldn't be scared of the new surroundings when you wake up. Heck! My neck hurts because of sleeping like that!", I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

None of us said anything for some time. We were sitting on the ground, facing each other. The silence was eating me up so I broke it.

"Necrophilia is not my thing!", I tried to joke and turns out, it worked. She smiled at my failed attempt to joke. "But one thing is still not clear to me". She looked at me with slightly raised eyebrows. "Josh told me that you never drank alcohol then... then why did you do it yesterday?"


There was a pause. I was waiting for her answer but she didn't say anything. She sighed and then looked back at me.

"I was envious of the girl who hugged you"

"But why?"


"Because Because I have fallen in love with you".

Confession confession confession! Don't forget to like, comment and vote.

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