Chapter 6

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The cover shows Liam and Luke chilling.

Liam's POV

"Hey Luke, I'm quite sure, your after party must be over till now so get your ass here at the stadium and pick me up", I said when I called Luke after that girl dropped me in the middle of nowhere. There was an after party arranged by the management of the show. I was quite sure that Luke would be there, given the image he has.

"Why are you at the stadium? Last time I checked your location, you were somewhere quite far from there", he said.

"How did you know about my location, idiot?", I asked him, astonished.

"Oh c'mon dude. Don't even get me started. You have the habit of disappearing every now and then. That shit gets me bad so I changed the settings in the phone and now, every time you disappear, I know where you are", he said and I couldn't believe him.

"Firstly, why in the world would you do that? Why not call me to ask me about my whereabouts? Secondly, how do you even know my password, Luke?", I asked.

"I have my sources", that's all he said and I could feel him shrug. "Anyways, I'll be there in half an hour so you better keep yourself low. I don't want to mess with the paparazzi at this time", he said and then hung up.

Now I had all the time to myself so I decided to sit back and relax. I unlocked my phone and started looking at my pictures with Riley. I missed him so much. We could hardly meet. I was sure that 90% of the time he didn't have a father. I could never really make him feel my presence. I kept flipping through his pictures. But somewhere deep down my mind kept drifting back to the time spent with that girl and that's when it struck me. I had spent two nights with her, practically sometime, but never asked her name. What kind of an idiot am I? That's the first thing that I should have done! She paid for the whole meal and I opted to insult her? The least I could have done was to thank her. No worries, I'll do that the next time I meet her.

Privi's POV

When I woke up in the morning, the alarm was just about to blow off. I turned it off before it could hijack the silence in the room. It was a Sunday which means no office today, which also means Josh will have no college today so we can have fun together. I planned to make something special today as I hardly get time with my little brother.

I quickly got up and hopped into the shower. Events of last night were running through my mind. Why does it always happen that when I'm in shower, I think about the rarest of the things? I mean, we won't even meet again and I'm already thinking about that asshole. God knows why Josh likes him so much. I didn't even enjoy the concert that night. Breaking my trails of the thoughts, I turned off the shower, dried myself and stepped out of the hot shower. I went to my cupboard and wore the most comfortable clothes- baby pink sweatshirt and grey joggers. I loved them as they were the coziest things on the earth.

I went to the kitchen and looked for the food items available in the kitchen. I found some bread and eggs. The first thing that came to my mind was French toasts and that's what I did. I started preparing for the breakfast while Josh came in.

"Good morning, sis", he said, still yawning. It looked like he didn't sleep well last night,

"Good morning, Joshy! You look so wrecked!", I laughed making fun of him.

"Of course, laugh as long as you want. Your yesterday's revelation blew my mind away and as a result.", he pointed to his messy self.

My laugh died. That was the last topic I imagined him to discuss with me early in the morning.

"Joshy, let the bygones be bygones. Now go and hop into the shower while I make some French toasts for you", I said trying to escape the topic and to my surprise, it worked.

He smiled at me and went to his room. After about 10 minutes he emerged again and we had breakfast while discussing the events of the week. He also told me about how they got to his friend's house the other night after the concert and what all they did. Just then the bell rang and I went to see who was it at the door. It was Eliana.

"Hi Privi, how are you?", she hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Hi Eliana, I'm good. Come inside", I stepped aside to let her in but she stopped mid track.

"No no no no I'm not here to stay but came to pick you and Josh up as we all are going out today. Louis is waiting for us in the car", she said pointing to the car on our porch.

"But Elle, neither of us are dressed and we haven't even finished our breakfast", I said. But then, Josh had to interrupt. He came from behind me and pinched me on my back.

"Ouch! What is it Josh?", I said rubbing my back.

"C'mon sis, let's go please. I don't want to spend my whole Sunday at home. Also, it's been a while we had a good Sunday", he said. He made that puppy face and so did Eliana, leaving me with no other option. So, I gave in. I went upstairs to get dressed and Josh went too.

'I felt so bad for stepping out of my comfort zone because let's face it. It feels so warm in here' I thought.

But then if all of them wanted this then how can I deny. I took out a pair of black jeans to team it up with the sweatshirt that I was wearing and a black denim jacket. I put on my boots and covered my head with a beanie. I went downstairs and saw all of them waiting for me. I never understood that how Josh gets ready so fast. I mean, I just changed into jeans and jacket. I don't think that took much of a time.

We greeted Louis and sat in the back seat. We went to the mall where Eliana and Louis shopped for themselves. They were planning for their vacation in Bahamas. Josh also like a pair of shoes and I wanted to buy that for him but didn't have the right amount to pay for it. While I was thinking about the way to deny him, he came outside and told me that his size was out of stock. Finally, I took a sigh of relief.

We hailed from a middle class family where everything had to be taken care of within the limited budget. I had a good job but it was not enough to handle all the expenses. Moreover, after our parents' death in a car accident, all the loan repayments dropped onto me. It was difficult to manage in such circumstances but I never told Josh about all the finances. I knew he would be dis-heartened and might even think of leaving the college to help me lessen the burden. But that was the last thing I wanted. I wanted him to enjoy his time to the fullest so that he doesn't regret anything like me.

Finally, after 4 hours of continuous shopping, we came to a halt at the food court. We sat on a table. The moment I sat, I noticed someone's picture on it. It was probably there to publicize about the upcoming events. And just just guess who it could be. Mr. Crap!

Josh was the first one to notice unease on my face and coughed dryly. This caught everyone's attention on the table. Eliana looked at me and then at Josh. Louis followed her gaze. I wanted to act as if I didn't notice anything but Josh wasn't ready to let it go. He told the whole story to Eliana after she forced us to open up about it. From there, it was no turning back. I held my face in my palms and let Josh do the explaining.

Hey everyone, have you guys come up with any shipping names? Personally, Im not able to put a finger on anyone so help me with that?

Also, don't forget to comment, share and vote!

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