Chapter 5

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That's Eliana on the cover.

Liam's POV

After the incident at the McDonalds, we were driving aimlessly. At least that's what it seemed to me. Finally, we came to halt. We were parked outside a small building. This area seemed a bit familiar to me. I looked around but all I could witness was silence.

"Where are we?", I asked her, curiously.

"Were at the backside of the stadium where I picked you up. You never told me where you wanted me to drop you so I thought getting you back here was the only option. This way you wouldn't have to disturb your manager", she said.

I was so lost in looking at the city that I forgot to tell her where to drop me. Actually, it was her fault as well. Why didn't she ask me in the first place? Any sane person could have done that but of course, it's her! Why would she ask me? Shell rather do what she wants than ask the other person.

"I was having the time of my life. I forgot about it but looks like nobody reminded me of it as well", I said, taunt quite clear in my tone.

"Oh my God! Are you serious? How come this became my fault? How did I become the bad guy over here?", she huffed and I laughed. "You. Are. Insane!", she exclaimed, sighing.

"That's exactly the word that I would choose for you", I said pointing a finger at her.

"So where do you want to go Mr. Crap", she said with words full of sarcasm.

"Well, I'll call my manager and will leave with him. I want to get out of this as soon as possible because, you see, only an insane can manage you!", I said taunt clear in my tone.

She seemed offended. Like really offended. Did I cross my line?

"How dare you? I drove you around the city just to get you out of the trouble and here you are accusing me of helping you? Well, you are the insane one over here because you spent time with me, you idiot! I could have easily gone home to my brother whom I haven't seen since last night!", she paused and then continued, "You know what? Just get out of my car before I rip you from leg to leg. GET LOST!!!!", she screamed making me flinch.

Before I could even call Luke, she actually got off from the car and dragged me out! Like dude what??? Is she crazy? I'm the star and here she is, treating me like some piece of shit!

"YES! Because you deserve that!", she said making me snap out of my trail. Did I say that out loud?

"Hey! You're being defensive now! Calm down creature.", I said, putting my hands up in surrender.

"You have touched the last nerve of my tolerance and I can't take any more crap from Mr. Crap", she said trying to calm herself down.

I was dragged out of the car and the passenger door was shut with a loud THUD! She climbed back to the driver seat and started the engine.

"Hey! You gotta stop calling me that!", I said.

She raised an eyebrow at me and parted her lips to say something but decided otherwise. She shook her head, rolled up the windows and drove away.

Privi's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. That guy had the audacity to open his mouth to say ill things about me, about the person who drove that piece of shit around all the time till he was out of paparazzi! He's insane! He's bloody insane! I was so disappointed that you could see the heat radiate from me. I was thinking about all these things that I didn't even realize that I had almost reached home.

This guy gets on my nerves every time I meet him. I was absolutely right to kick him in his crotch yesterday. In fact, he deserved one today as well, I said mostly to myself.

As I entered the house, Josh was waiting for me on the couch. The moment I stepped in, he bombarded me with questions. Seeing his expressions, I had a look at my watch.

My eyes went out of my socket! Shit! It's half past two already.

"Where were you, Privi?", He asked me like an angry bird.

He has definitely inherited that trait from our father. My father used to do the same when he was alive.

"I'm so sorry, Joshy. I think I lost the track of time.", I said choosing my words very carefully.

"Well, I can see that but where were you and why are you all dressed up? I've been waiting for you for past 3 hours", he said, pressing more on 'hours'.

I thought over telling him the truth for a while. I finally decided to tell him the truth.

"Okay so there's a whole lot of thing that I have to tell you. I had an office party today about which I totally forgot to tell you. The party was over by 11pm but then the strangest thing happened. I bumped into the same guy I had met yesterday while talking to you over call. And that guy happens to be the one and only, your favorite singer", before I could complete, Josh said,

"Liam Warren?????," shock clear on Josh's face.

"Hmm", I just nodded my head.

Josh was unable to believe me. He looked at me like I had grown two heads. He was still processing ever word I said. 'But how' was written all over his face. So, I started explaining everything from last night till the events of tonight.

"I still cant believe my ears! You met LIAM WARREN and didn't even bother to tell me about it?", he said, still in shock.

At one moment, I felt like shaking him up so that he could face the reality but then thought otherwise.

"It is what it is, Joshy", I said shrugging my shoulders. I mean what was so big about it? Why did he have to react like he did?

"Anyways, I'm already very tired so I'll call it a night!", with that said, I walked up to my room, leaving Josh behind me, still dumbstruck. I changed into my PJs and then dozed off.

Hey guys, I was planning to write about Josh and his obsession with Liam's music for a long time but was so caught up with Privi and Liam. There will surely be more of Josh in the upcoming chapters. So stay tuned and dont forget to vote, share and comment.

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