Chapter 18

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That's how the bond is between Liam, Luke and notorious Josh.

Liam's POV

I woke up to dawn. Since, I had done good amount of exercise before sleeping, I was fresh by now. The girl surely had the guts to do that with me. I stood up and walked to the washroom. I removed my shorts and hopped into the shower. We had to leave by 9am to complete the last segment of the song so I had a lot of time in hand. I stood under the hot shower and the water refreshed me. I started thinking about last night, the girl, Privi, sex and that's when it dawned on me. I HAD SEX THINKING ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE BUT THE GIRL IN MY BED! Privi Sihag?????? You've got me good. I thinkI think I've started to fall for her. I lost my mind! Completely lost it! I was astonished. How could this be possible? I was not supposed to fall in love! Not with her, not with anyone! Then how can I feel all this? I can't do this. I've been in love once that see where it got me. I can't go down the same track again. This is bullshit! I have to get her out of my mind.

I finished showering and wrapped a towel around my torso. I walked out of the room. This time, I opened the cupboard with caution. Thankfully, no trace of human! I took out a grey polo t-shirt and white jeans. I ordered some pancakes for myself as we were not allowed to have breakfast in the hall with the other guests. There was a knock on the door. I assumed it to be room service and opened it. Luke was leaning against the door, hands folded accompanied with a devilish smirk.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", I said, looking suspicious.

"Well, I think you have something to tell me, isn't it?", he said and stepped inside the room, pushing me away to make way for himself.

"What do you mean?", I said walking behind him into my room.

"Ohh Liam! Yeah c'monHarderyeah harder go on oh baby.! Oh yes, Liam!", he started imitating the girl I had in my room yesterday. "Someone had a very good night yesterday, isn't it?", he said turning around to look at me with a smirk on his face.

"How do you know about it? Don't tell me, you've installed cameras in my room!", I said shaking my head at him. He started laughing and sat on the bed.

"Do you think so low of me?", he said holding his stomach to calm himself down. "I think you've forgotten that I stay in the room right next to yours. You guys were so freaking loud that I myself got aroused", he said while I smacked his arm and he started laughing again.

"You're such an ass!", I said getting up as the food came in.

We finished our breakfast and went to the roof top garden. We still had time in our hands so we thought of taking some fresh air. Miami looked so beautiful from here. I could see almost the whole city from here. Beautiful beaches, people rushing to their work, couples going around exercises, etc. It felt fresh over here.

"What are you thinking about?", Luke asked me as I became exceptionally quiet. I looked at him and sighed.

"What if you fall in love with the person you never thought of?", I paused. "What if you don't want to fall but you can't help yourself in that case? What will you do if a situation like this arise?", I asked, tuning towards him as we took a seat near the pool.

"Firstly, I would confirm if that's actually love or just infatuation. Secondly, I will find out what the other person thinks of me", he said and I thought about it for a moment. "It Privi, right?", he asked keeping a hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head without saying anything.

"I don't know what to think. I imagined myself with Privi doing all those things that I did yesterday. I was imaging her while being with someone else", I said voicing out my thoughts.

"Whipped!", he coughed trying to muffle with his words.

I rolled my eyes at him while my lips curved up in a smile. I knew this guy would tease me to death about it. But was I actually whipped?

Privi's POV

Eliana stayed with us for the night. She was finally letting her cries out. I wanted to be with her all this while because no one was with me when I faced the same wrath of God. I know how it feels to be all alone, hence, I didn't want her to feel the same. She cried all night and then slept beside me, not before emptying the whole bucket of ice-cream. Josh and I were shocked to see her eating capacity. We had to give her for that.

I woke up early as there were still somethings to be settled. Also, I decided to make something good for breakfast as it was the first day in this mansion. This mansion was so huge that the it took us a good amount of time to take a tour of it. We decided on our rooms but they were all so big that we could fit 2 of our beds in there. Josh was the happiest one. He took the biggest rooms of all. There were a total of 10 bedrooms in the house, accompanied by 12 washrooms, an empty swimming pool, Jacuzzi, and what not. He wanted to call his friends for a night over but we decided to enhance the condition of the house first. By the time I made the breakfast, Josh and Eliana came down. Eliana was all ready to leave for work whereas Josh took a day off to set the things. They came and sat on the table, ready for breakfast. Josh removed the lid of the bowl and was so happy to see pasta for breakfast. Eliana removed the lid of another bowl to see noodles. I knew they loved the dishes that I made because I could see them drooling just by looking at the breakfast. They indulged into the food right away.

"This is pure heaven", Josh said with mouth full of pasta.

"Oh Privi, you're an angel. You know exactly how to make me content", she said, taking another spoonful of noodles.

"I know I'm the best", I said patting myself on my back.

After the breakfast, Eliana left for work and Josh took our plates to clean them up, meanwhile, I cleared up the table. As soon as we were done, Josh bought two brooms and gloves. I tied my hair into a bun and we set off to work. Cleaning this house was like working non-stop. It took us almost half of the day to setup the hall itself. It was only 20% of the work. 80% was still left and we were already tired. You see, every good thing has a drawback.

Eliana came back early today. She saw our condition and laughed. I was content to see her like this. After last night's incident, I thought she would need time but she's as brave as a tigress. She was back on her track.

"Look at you people! Tired already?", she said, laughing.

"Oh as if it's very easy", Josh said, mocking her.

"I'm going to relax now so I'll leave the two of you bickering.", I said and started walking towards my room. Just then the doorbell rang. I turned around to get the door when Josh was already walking towards the door. He must have called some of his friends for help so I continued on the way to my room.

"Oh my god? You?", I heard Josh exclaiming. I turned around to see who it was. As soon as I turned, my ankle twisted on the staircase and I fell, face first on the ground. I shrieked in pain and saw everyone rushing towards me. There was someone behind Josh and Eliana who almost sprinted towards me. I looked up to see the person I least expected to be.

Hey readers, how has the story been so far? Any guesses who could the person be that made Privi extremely shocked? To know more keep reading and don't forget to like, comment and vote. It, honestly motivates me a lot

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