But as he left, she felt this crushing helplessness rise within her. She felt useless, and unknowingly her eyes watered. "Hey, hey, hey baby why are you crying I am here with you. And I am not going to leave you ever." She looked up and he wiped her eyes. 

"What if I was the one whoever leaves you, Forrest?" He held her hands and whispered "I am not going to let you. Because you are mine, Reva. Just mine and I am not letting anyone take you away." He hugged her and she hugged him back.

"Just this one little bite and you are done I promise then off to the exercises doctor showed," Forrest said holding the spoon to her. "Do you not have clinics to attend to?" Reva asked. "No, I am free of official duty and off to be a good boyfriend to you. How can you even think I am going to leave you alone? It was just last week you almost fall down and injured yourself yet again?" He asked. "I promise to call someone if I needed anything. I have gone through two months' worth of physiotherapy. I can move on my own now. You need not stop your world for me"

Forrest took her hands in his "How can I not? Reva, you mean the entire world to me. I mean you may not see me as your boyfriend yet, but for me, you are the girl I want to be with and that is something not going to change ever." He said. "You know why we cannot, don't you?" Forrest sighed "Again with the Angie talk? How many times do I have to make you understand? when she wakes up, I am going to make her understand. Hey, I am a heart specialist, it is my job to understand people's hearts." 

 She shook her head. "That is not how this works Forrest; you may not be brave enough to break her heart for mine. You may want me now, but then when she is here, you are going to change" She touched his face "Because that what people do, they change"

He held her hand stopping her from leaving. "I am not leaving now. I am just going to take a shower, Forrest." Reva said taking his hand off her. Forrest watched her walk slowly towards the bathroom and then he heard the shower run.

 This time he didn't reason or stopped himself. Instead, he acted upon the carnal desires he feels for this woman. He didn't want to hurt her, but she was hurting him a lot and he was taking it out on his punching bags in his gym night after night.

So, he stood up and walk towards the door she just went through and walked inside. The shower was filled with mist and fog he took off his t-shirt and walked inside. Reva was unsure of what she should do with her feelings for Forrest, it was all over the place and she cannot help but feel like she was breaking him and Ange apart. 

Then she felt those sparks running through her body and his lips on her ear "Told you, I would join you didn't I little birdie?" she shivered. He traced her spine as the water soaked them. She turned towards him looking into his hooded eyes.

He desired her. All of her. He touched her lips looking into her eyes. "Let me wash you up baby" He whispered squeezing little soap in his palms and rubbing it together before placing it over her shoulders. "Better baby?" He asked. She can only moan in response. "I will take that as a yes then, shall I continue?" He asked moving over her hands and then her neck holding it. 

"you don't want me to do this to you, do you little birdie? You still hold so much hesitation into your gestures. You do not want me. Why am I pushing towards it?" he asked. "You can have the shower by yourself I guess you do not really into me. Here I thought we are getting somewhere." And then he walked out pulling a towel.

Reva knew she had hurt him a lot. But what can she do? Reva heard the door to the bathroom close. He left her alone. She turned the shower off and pulled on the bathrobe walking out too. He was working on his laptop. He heard the door open and close. And then he looked at her shivering form. 

"What are you doing little birdie, you are going to catch a cold." He walked inside the bathroom pulling towels and started to dry her hair. Then he pulled on his t-shirt putting it on her. After that, he begins drying her hair again.

"I am sorry, I am not something you wanted. I am so sorry Forrest, but every time I think about getting close to you, I feel like I am making you betray your girlfriend. I don't want to be that girl. I don't want to become a homewrecker." He pulled her closer. 

"You are not, trust me you are not baby. Why do you feel so low about yourself? You are not doing anything. People fall in love just as people fall out of love. And sometimes there is nothing wrong with that. I am not going to leave you, just because you think I am doing something wrong. Even if wanting you is wrong, I am going to do that wrong." He said.

"what do you need from me, Forrest?" She asked. "What can I give you possibly?" "Just you, nothing else. I want you just you. All around me I just need you." He whispered. "Now I am going to kiss you and you are not going to stop me ok?" He said. 

She turned around not looking at him. "I...I must check on the pending work and..." He pulled her towards him and placed his lips on hers. He kissed her, she kissed back placing her hands over his neck. He pulled back and leaned his head against her. "That felt great, it always does. I can kiss you for days, and not get tired." She smiled.

"Was it just a kiss you were after?" She asked. "No, not exactly. I am not just in for a kiss, I thought I might get something more out of it. But the kiss is alright." He said. "But I like to hold you to sleep feel your body next to me. Tomorrow I want to take you for a walk or take you shopping, really there are many, many things I want to enjoy with you." He said. She touched his scars. "That looks bad," She said.

 "Only remnant of the accident I had." She smiled. "I have an idea." She said smiling and then brought out the sharpies she had with her. "What are you planning to do?" He asked curiously. "Using you as my blank canvas, now shut up and lie down."

He felt her hand moved over his skin drawing. She sketched her things over his skin. He let her. He needed to feel her touch any way he can. And this way doesn't look too bad at all. At least she is keeping the nightmares at bay. "You know, it would be good if you don't hurt yourself more than you do on daily basis. I live here too you know? I can hear those screams. Now turn on your front let me cover your back." He followed her orders. 

"Did I wake you up?" He asked. "I haven't slept exactly. Forrest, I was working." He turned around on his back suddenly. "I wasn't finished." She complained. "No? but I thought you were, now it is my turn. I am feeling sleepy." He said. She pulled back.

"I will leave you to that then." She said. He didn't let her leave. "Where are you going?" He asked. "To my room, to work..." He pinned her to the bed. "No, you are going to stay here next to me and you are going to sleep next to me from now on." He told her. He pulled her up and held the hem of her shirt pulling it off her. She gasped. "Much better, now I can feel your skin on mine, just like I wanted to." He said touching the nape of her neck.

And then he kissed her again. "You are beautiful Reva, inside out and I am very much grateful that you are here and you are mine" He whispered not going any further than her neck. "Why you always say that I am yours?" she asked. "Because that is the only truth I know, and I want to know. My sweet little birdie. I just know you, nothing else beyond that, no one else beyond that." He whispered.

"But you shouldn't it will hurt you if someday." He looked into her Hazel brown eyes and said. "Too late for that. I am already addicted." He whispered. "Addiction is bad." She said touching his chest. "Tell me you are not addicted to me yet, and I know you will be lying to yourself." He pressed her against him and to her surprise she found him naked. 

"I am addicted" She admitted. "That is one good news you have given me in a while baby. Now we both are on the same plane of existence. And it is going to grow." He whispered kissing her again before placing her head over his chest and closing her eyes. 

Word Count: 2395 Words

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