I let out a deep sigh as I stared at the ceiling.

Why in the hell did he even wake up when he was sleeping so peacefully? I hugged my pillow.


I was back to my energetic self.

I took a refreshing bath to remove weariness of yesterday and got down the stairs just to find all 7 of them staying in a quiet atmosphere as always.

Will I ever see them getting along with each other?

"Y/n..." Jimin greeted with his sweet smile. "Are you feeling well now?"

"Yes, I am feeling a lot better." I replied to Namjoon's question.

"Were you guys able to find that killer, yesterday?" I made my way down and reached to the dining table as I asked them whether the mission has progressed or not.

"No, he escaped again." Hoseok sounded extremely serious. "And also, we have got another information on our hands. It seems that there's a person working with that criminal." Taehyung informed.

A person is working with that criminal? Woah, this is messed up. I brushed all those thoughts away for now.

"Alright, don't worry. We'll surely catch him and his partner today." I tried to cheer him up. "You aren't coming with us, Y/n." Namjoon made it clear. "Why? I wa-" He interrupted me.

"You need to rest more. So, you have to rest today also. I don't want you to get your fever back." Namjoon was stern with his words.

"But..." I couldn't complete my words again. "No buts. We are going now. Be good and stay at home." Namjoon patted my head making the others burn with jealousy.

"W-Well, I think you guys should go now." I tried to divert these guys from getting overly jealous.

"We'll be back soon." Jimin smiled. "Alright!" I returned his warm smile.

They left from here right after that, leaving me alone in this house. And as I had nothing better to do, I just slept all day.


I correctly got out of my bed at 6 PM. At this rate, I can sleep for a couple days without getting up at all. I slowly made my way down the stairs to get a glass of water for myself.

I opened the refrigerator and got myself a bottle of cold water. I took my time in drinking it.

I wondered what I should be doing while I wait for those guys to return. I placed the bottle back and made my way to the hall.

I heard a loud thud out of nowhere. I flinched at the sudden sound and went to check what it was.

I reached to the living room and the sight I got left me in a shocked state. I stepped back not believing what I am seeing.

I saw a person, that man.

I noticed a small smile on the corner of his lips and that was the moment I fell unconscious.


I slowly opened my heavy eyes as I regained my consciousness. I found myself in a very dark room with my hands and legs tied to a chair.

I looked up to see that man, the person who brought me here.

"So, you are awake." I heard his voice which was way familiar to me. "Who are you? And why did you bring me here?" I tried to question him.

He didn't answer me rather he removed his mask which made his face visible now. I was surprised at the sight as I realised that this man was the killer whom I saw in the club murdering a woman.

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