25 [Who's Cutting Onions]

Start from the beginning

Dream was sitting up in the last bed.

Sapnap punched George's shoulder, hard. "TOLD YOU!!"

George ran to Dream and wrapped his arms around him. "I'm so sorry- it was all my fault- I'm sorry I'm sorry..."

After a long second Dream hugged him back and patted him gently. "It's ok. It's ok," he said softly. He said it almost questioningly, like he was confused.

George let go and looked at his face. Dream just gazed at him.

"I'm sorry-" Dream started.

"Don't be sorry-" George smiled at his words and grasped for his hands- "what do you have to be sorry about?!"

Dream pulled his hands away. "I'm sorry," he said again, politely, "but who are you?"

George gasped and backed off the bed, drawing away several feet. Sapnap made a noise of confusion and disbelief.

"You-  you don't-  know who I am?" George inhaled sharply.

Sapnap came forward and punched Dream's shoulder. "Haha good one. Nice. Nice of you to fuck with us like that." He crouched next to the bed and laughed. "You really fucking got George."

George sighed with relief. "Not funny Dream. That was so not funny."

Dream backed up, brow furrowing at how close Sapnap got to him.
"I'm sorry," he said again firmly, "but I don't-"

"You can stop now, we get it," Sapnap said, still playful.

A little more fear crept into George's heart. "Yeah Dream stop," he said. "The prank's over."

"I'm trying to tell you both, I don't know who either of you guys are," Dream said.

"Wow, I never knew you were such a good actor," Sapnap said. "You could've done that instead of YouTube."

George saw Dream look even more confused and he tensed. "Sapnap-" he said.

"No," Sapnap continued, "seriously, this is great stuff- 'I don't know who you are, oh no I'm confused,'" he mocked.

"Sapnap-" George wanted him to stop.

"You can drop the act, Dream," Sapnap said. "It was good and funny, but it's done."

George wrung his hands.

"It's not an act," Dream said. "And don't make fun of me, I'm really confused."

The smile fell off Sapnap's face and his expression became horrified.

He backed next to George, away from the stranger.

"You really... don't know us?" George asked.

Dream shook his head, eyes darting between each of their faces.

"Dream," Sapnap pleaded. "It's me, Sapnap. It's me dude, come on. You can't forget me. It's-  George. He can't forget us." He pulled George in front of Dream. "George."

Dream just looked at him, unrecognizing.
George stared back, heartbroken.

"No..." Sapnap was grasping at straws. "Dream you're... you're still messing with us, right? It's all... all a joke. Come on."
His voice sounded so broken.

"He's not, Sapnap," George said softly. "I can tell."

"no..." Sapnap's last plea was almost inaudible. He was crushed.

"He's right," Dream said to Sapnap. He looked between them.
"I'm not who you keep calling me. I'm not dream."

George lifted his eyes to the fading name that floated above his head. Dream.

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