Chapter 23

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Narrator: Agga

Chapter 23

"What are you doing, I'm not Patrica!" a voice yelled after the Queen Tie's initial charge.

"Close enough!" Verdona hollered back.

Jubber walked towards us with a small barb on him. He looked at Malware with puppy-dog eyes. She simply refused to look him in the eyes at all.

"I'm sorry okay-" he began.

"YOU'RE NOT SORRY!" A voice boomed in my head.

The voice sounded like someone with authority. It was definitely Patrica!

"Patrica I'm sorry-" Jubber began.

"Sorry isn't good enough, you turned tons of young girls into monsters!" she howled.

"Well, technically the term is-" Jubber tried to say.

"I know the term!" Patrica snarled.

"Patrica,I can cure you!" Jubber said.

"I'll only let you go if you "cure" Kirsten first," she declared.

Malware nodded and Jubber approached and a blinding light exploded. Had she been cured?

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