Chapter 13

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Narrator: Agga

Chapter 13

"It's a hard knock life for us, It's a hard knock life-" Jubber sang.

"Stop singing!" Malware demanded.

"I agree with him, shut up!" Ereth added.

"You people are no fun..." Jubber murmured.

As we continued to clean the ship, I observed the pink lighting. It seemed familiar to the stories I read as a kid. It was the color of the Dreg, I was sure of it. That's when Ereth nudged me.

"Don't think too hard, kid," he muttered.

"What's your problem?" Marsk shouted.

I thought that Malware was going to hurt her but he didn't.

"Speak," Malware ordered him.

"My past isn't important," Ereth shrugged.

"Speak!" Malware repeated.

"Fine, I was once a great Tourtugan general," Ereth huffed.

"I remember you, Ereth the Cunning," I said.

"Didn't you fight with Vilgax the Bloody?" Marsk added.

"That's not what I called him, he was a liberator," Ereth responded.

"We liberated a few worlds and ran into a roadblock," he continued.

"Avaia?" I asked.

"Yeah, can we stop talking about it?" Ereth grunted.

The rest of the time was pretty quiet. Jubber would occasionally try to make a joke but Malware would shut him down. Despite being a prisoner, I liked it in on Corso's ship. I hoped never to return to being a pampered prince...

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