Chapter 17

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Narrator: Dr. Pyschobos

Chapter 17

I started reviewing my options for escaping. Eventually, I decided on the ribbon creature. She seemed the easiest to sway. If it even was a she?

"Hey Candleoro," I called.

"Ollooo?" "she" responded.

"Wanna be friends?" I asked her.

"I'd be happy to be your friend," a voice said.

"Who was that?!" I said.

"I said that," a voice responded.

"Down here," the voice added.

I looked down to see Candleoro staring at me. The voice in my head sounded like a girl who was a preteen.

"Candleoro?" I said.

"Yeah it's me," she responded.

"I know you want to escape but I want you to do get me something first," Candleoro told me.

"Anything you want," I responded.

"I want a rainbow monkey," Candleoro gleamed.

It was clear the universe was trying to kill me...

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