Chapter 4

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Narrator: Agga

Chapter 4

After the engagement ceremony, I decided to head back to my room. The girl was nothing special and just tried to please my dad. She put on an act but now I was alone. It was time to plan my escape. I didn't want to end up like my dad.

I had been planning for a while to escape. My plan was fairly simple: use my clearances to get into the hangar and fly away. The plan was foolproof and nothing could go wrong. I exited my room and encountered the usual problems. People were curious but they let me go. Everything was fine until I got to the hangar.

The hangar was where the Vestorian fighter planes were. I went on the plane only to find an unwelcome surprise. My bride had followed me to the plane. There she was sitting in the cockpit on the front seat. She gave me an annoyed look.

"Hello, Prince Agga," she said.

"Um hi-" I began not really knowing her name.

"My name is Marsk, my prince," she responded.

"What do you want, Marsk?" I asked.

"To prevent you from making the biggest mistake of your life," she responded.

She didn't want me to leave but I needed to. I needed to be my own man. I jumped into the driver's seat ignoring her warnings. I set a bunch of random commands into the jet. Just like that, we began heading to the random location I set as I passed out...

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