Chapter 18

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Narrator: Agga

Chapter 18

"Get a move on, slowpoke," Azmuth grinned.

"I'm doing-ow!" I shrieked.

Azmuth grinned after tasering me. He was driving me crazy and everybody knew. I could take it though. Marsk hated Azmuth's behavior more, though.

"Quit it!" she yelled.

"Agga, stop him!" Marsk added while Azmuth continued tasering her.

"Azmuth, enough is enough!" Malware scowled.

Azmuth gave an annoyed look but decided to stop.

"I need you all to meet me at the doors to the lab tonight," he explained.

"Why?" Ereth asked.

"I promise Corso won't know about it," Malware added.

"We'll do it!" I exclaimed.

"Are you sure?" Marsk said to me.

"I feel like the lab might answer to what's going on here," I told Marsk.

Everyone agreed to it except for one person.

"Guys, this is a bad idea," Jubber told us.

Of course, everyone decided to ignore him. What was so bad in Corso's lab? I would find out that night...

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