53| Waking Up

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previously: jensoo, chaelisa after ella's concert.

Like clockwork, Dahyun woke up to Jackson's morning text. Before nine, as the time on her phone indicated, he always sent her a brief but cute message.

And every time, Dahyun would sigh, ignore the fluttering threatening to erupt in her stomach, type a reply and get on with her search for a suitable apartment in Incheon, preferably situated close to Rkive. 

She was even intending to dip into her family's emergency funds for this purchase, risking their ire. They had always voiced their disapproval over her choice of degree to pursue, making it clear that she was the disappointment of the family.

The girl she was before when she got entangled with Momo and this whole affair might have felt anxious, but now Dahyun was past caring what her family thought—if there was one good thing she had learned from Momo and Jackson, it's that she should go for the things she wanted without listening to those that held her back. 

And that's exactly what she was doing, all by herself.

Because in the end, nobody would be there for her, but her own self.

Dahyun owed herself to finish what she started, satisfy her curiosity and discover the damning secrets that were hiding in plain sight before more atrocities claimed innocent lives that would disappear forever from the face of the earth.

Her plan to investigate the establishment was slowly coming together and she had no time to waste pondering over her lukewarm, awkward friendship status with Jackson. He had never mentioned the notebooks so far, seemingly only wanting to genuinely keep in touch.

Dahyu could keep him at bay for now, keeping up the pretence of still being the naive girl who dreamed of photojournalism and took pictures for her instagram page. She had grown proficient in acting. Jackson was but a small nuisance for now, kept at arm's length. She would not fall into his trap again.

She was't sure if she should tell Momo about her next moves. 

On the one hand she wanted to get away from all the memories that still lingered at the edge of her conscious, but on the other hand, venturing away into potentially hostile situations meant being vulnerable. Having someone be aware of what she was doing just in case something happened would be wise.

She would just have to decide when the time came.


When Jennie woke up, the first thing that registered was how comfortable her mattress was today, so much so that she felt like sinking into it and never waking up. Jisoo cuddled next to her was a bonus.

Wait what?

And then, as in a dream, she remembered, and her face ignited as their night of love-making played back in her head.

Jennie currently lay naked beneath the sheets they had pulled over themselves some time in the small hours of morning. Their bare legs were tangled together and Jisoo's head of raven black hair tickled Jennie's nose as she slept, snuggled up with her chest pressing to Jennie's side.

Her cheeks warmed at the sight of a prominent red mark on Jisoo's shoulder.

I did that, and who knows how many more, Jennie gulped. In the grey light of morning, she could make out several articles of clothing scattered around the bedroom floor and her cheeks flushed anew.

Her body felt rubbery and boneless, as though she had been melted over a powerful fire and then molded back together like clay. Her head was surprisingly clear and calm; she was safe, she was comfortable, she was free of doubts or regrets.

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