39| Not A Monster

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Standing up I brushed off the ruble from the pillars, at the moment my brother was using a car door to protect himself from the thrashing of the Kanima's claws. Without a second thought I forwards digging my claws into the Kanima's side, causing it to screech in what didn't seem like pain but annoyance. The feeling of the warm blood flowing down my arm made me pull away, kicking the Kanima in the stomach sending the thing against the pillar as it had done to me moments before.

I was about to go for another attack before I froze remembering that the Kanima wasn't just a thing, it was Jackson. And Jackson was many things, but he wasn't in control of what he was doing. That much I was sure.

My brother walked over to me as we both looked down at the Kanima. Derek began to growl telling me he was about to start fighting with the creature again, but as he raised his hand I got a tight hold of his wrist.

He was about to say something before I heard the distant sound of tires against gravel, I knew that it was the sound of Stiles' Jeep. And although I wasn't sure who was headed our way I knew that there weren't many people that would be out here, especially this late.

Without thinking I pulled on my brother's arm, pushing him behind one of the cement pillars. "What are you doing?" Derek asked, about to go after the Kanima again. But my grip on his arm was tight.

"Someone's coming." I told him in a whisper as suddenly the screeching of tires coming to a sudden stop. The headlights from the car were blinding and even as we looked behind the pillar we could only see the outline of the Kanima.

"The Argents." He whispered as suddenly the sound of gunshots was heard. I looked around the corner to see Chris Argent shooting at the Kanima, not missing a shot. Once he finished shooting a whole round and was about to load another I felt myself move forward, but I was immediately pulled down by my brother. I knew it would have been incredibly stupid of me to reveal myself to the Argents, but I knew I couldn't let them kill Jackson either.

In that moment the Kanima through Chris Argent against a pillar, when Gerard Argent stepped out of the truck. Derek and I watched as the Kanima and the oldest Argent stood face to face, neither one of them making the first move. They almost seemed connected or unwilling to hurt the other.

"Come on let's go." Derek ordered and just as we were about to slip away I felt Scott approaching us. Although I followed my brother I turned around in time to see Scott push the Kamina away from Gerard. I wondered if my brother had also noticed this, but he didn't say anything as he tried to put as much distance between us and the Argents and possible. And now not only did we know that the Argents were also hunting the Kanima tonight but we had also lost track of Jackson.

"What do you know?" Derek questioned as he came to a stop, and I looked at him speechless because although I knew exactly what he was asking I couldn't tell him the truth. "You know who that thing is don't you?"

"No. I don't" I told him firmly, trying to keep my heart beating as steady as possible.

"If you don't know who that is then why do you care if the Argent kill it or not? We already know the Kanima isn't Lydia or one of your friends." He continued to ask, and I was beginning to feel like a child being scolded by their parent. And that animal instinct in me which knew that Derek was my alpha wanted to tell him everything that I knew.

"Because that's still a person." I argued, hoping that it would be enough for Derek. "A person who has no control in what they're doing."

"You really are starting to sound a lot like Scott." He continued with an accusing tone.

"Well, Scott always seems to do the right thing."

My brother seemed hurt and at that moment I wished that I could just take back everything that I had just said. "We are doing the right thing."

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