Chapter 72: Apart And Distraught

Start from the beginning

"You should be rejoicing right now because I have no idea what could have happened had the information not been leaked to us."

"Are they handling the situation? Where is Jay?" I asked Kyle worriedly, wondering how Jayden was handling the situation.

"Jay is handling it personally with a small team. His PI is already on it. They are at the HQ of the magazine and they're negotiating."

"How's it going? Are the negotiations going well?"

"I don't know if they've reached an agreement yet, but the last time I talked to Jay which was like half an hour ago, a lot of money was being demanded."

"Can't we sue the magazine for defamation of character?" I asked Kyle bitterly, angry at the fact of how someone could be so cruel.

"Then everyone will end up knowing about those pictures. Don't worry. They'll sort it out. Money is not a problem. They just need to get a deal."

"But who could hate him so much? It's that moron, Kevin, isn't it?" I felt feelings of anger and hatred stir up within me. I already hated him, but now I felt like just tearing him up into useless and dirty shreds.

"He's our first suspect, but it doesn't make sense. I get that he has beef with Jay, but Kylie is his girlfriend. Would he ruin her life just like that?"

"Nothing makes sense anymore whenever Kevin is involved. I'm just done with him. Like, who the fuck is he to storm into our lives and flip our world upside down?" I grumbled, banging my fist on the desk frustratedly.

"Tell me about it."

"But hey, is Jay okay? What was his reaction to the news?"

Amidst all this drama and hatred, he was all I could think of. He didn't deserve to go through such a trying moment in his life and lose money because of someone's hatred.

He had suffered enough of the media's invasion of privacy already. How would he manage such a situation suppose the information leaked to the public?

I was once a victim of people's vile comments and judgements on my personal life and on issues they didn't have any idea about. That was a phase of my life that I would never forget because it gave me depression and a deeper heartache than I could ever bear.

I didn't want that to happen to Jay. No matter the outcome, he didn't deserve such a harsh and traumatising reality.

"He wasn't happy about it. Honestly speaking, he's not okay. He has worked so hard to get where he is today. If he goes down, the entire Montero empire goes down with him."

"God forbid such a calamity strikes. Even if that happens, he still has all of us. We're his family and we'll never leave him."

"Always. Kyra, don't stress yourself regarding that issue. It'll be okay."

Would it really be okay? This wasn't just about him, but me as well. We were one. I was his wife and whatever affected his life affected me in one way or another. His pain was my pain too and I didn't want that for either of us.

"Don't cry, Kyra."

I closed my eyes and fought back the tears threatening to spill out of my eyes. "I'm not gonna cry. I've shed enough tears already. I just want to see him. To be there with and for him. Where is he? Can I call him? Can I be with him?"

I felt Kyle's hand on my shoulder followed by a gentle squeeze. "He needs you too, but your presence will only distract him at this moment because he cares about you. Let him deal with this issue first, then he'll come to you."

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