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- Class Sucks -

Khun Eduan, the head of the Khun Family, was famous for being a womanizer. If he declared himself as the second one to have lots of wives and children, then no one dares to claim the first position. His wives and children were just too many to be counted.

The Khun descendants from Khun Family was said to have blue hair and eyes, as well as their cruel and cunning personality. Since there were lots of wives and children, there were also lots of competitions that leads to the "official fight". In the age of ten, the children should be fighting a bloody fight with each other and those who were lost will be abandoned will those who won will have the right to wear the crest.

And among the countless children, Khun Altaira Rain and Khun Aguero Agnes were the two of them.

Khun thought that if his half-brother needed a sister, then he could simply choose one. But this Altaira, not only he neglected his own sisters, he just had to treat someone else's sister as if she was his sister and caused the older brother of that sister to be angry.

"If you want a sister, then you could just pick one randomly from our family" Khun said to Altaira. "Why do you have to treat someone else's sister as if she is your sister?"

"What do you think?"

"If you do that to annoy Bam--"

"No, no, I don't dare" Altaira cut his sentence immediately. If he did that to annoy Bam, then Khun would definitely slit his throat. "Do you really think that I do that to annoy Bam? Please, if I want to annoy him, you would kill me first before that happens right?"

Khun didn't answer. But if he would answer, he would reply with: "It's a good thing that you know to not mess with my teammates. I have been waiting for a reason to put you inside Manbarondena."

"The girl that you choose has no skills in combat and very ordinary" Khun said to Altaira after a moment of pause. When he saw Altaira smiling, he asked, "What are you smiling about?"

"Can't I smile?" Altaira asked back before he sighed. He sighed not because of stress, but because he remembered all the funny moments he had with Charlotte in the past.

Seeing a white butterfly flying on the air, Altaira remembered about something else and knew that he had to leave now.

"Well, I should be going now" he said.

"You haven't answered the question yet."

Altaira stopped walking and turned his head to him, "Well, either you believe it or not, I treat that little brat since I have always seen her as my own sister and not because of her abilities or to annoy Bam." He paused for a moment before he added with a smirk, "She is very precious for me so don't try to hurt her."

"Speaking as if I would harm her for no reason" Khun muttered as he looked at the sky again.

| Wave Controller Class|

Charlotte didn't come all the way to this tower just to listen about lecture that sounded like a lullaby for her.

The teacher that looked like a lamb that kept smiling, Yuga, has been talking about this and that for who knows how long. She knew that this was important for her but her body couldn't keep up with his lecture. She tried not to sleep but it was hard. At this moment, she envied Laure, an attractive man with sort of green hair and always came around with blanket  and slept in the class without worry since he had learnt everything before he entered the tower.

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