2. The Will to Fight

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"What's the matter, Hanzo?  You seem distressed." Raya asked, looking at his disappointed but sad face.

"My father just scolded me about learning combat. He thinks its not necessary for me to fight because its to protect me. But I think its best to fight," Hanzo explained, looking at Raya as she laid her hand on his shoulder.

"Honestly, Hanzo I agree with you but I think your father is probably still grieving. But sometimes violence is not the reason for everything," Raya acknowledged.

"How so? Don't you even want to learn combat? So that you can defend our families, our clan, and our people? I mean one day I'm going to be the next headmaster of the Shira Ryu, but how could I be that if I don't experience its qualities?" Hanzo pointed out.

"I do,  Hanzo. I'd do anything to keep my parents,  my friends,  and my home safe. But deep down I know, not everything needs to be ended with violence. Some people may do it for a reason, whether that is good or not. But everyone deserves to be at peace with their live, even you," Raya reasoned, putting her hand on his hand to bring him comfort to his heart, bringing him a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, Raya. I'm so glad to have you as my best friend," Hanzo gushed as she smiled at him. "You should probably head home. It's about to head late."

~Time Skip~

After reaching Raya's house, her parents opened the door to see the two kids. Her mom hugged her and Hanzo bowed to her parents to show them respect. Her dad greeted him back and asked if he wanted anything before heading back to the compound.

"No thank you, Mr. Ni. I appreciate the offer. Have a good night to you both," Hanzo answered as he tilted his head down. "Bye, Raya! I'll see you tomorrow." 

"Bye, Hanzo!" Raya yelled as she waved and him leaving.

Inside her house, Sakura made their family dinner as Raya helped her father set up the table on the floor.  She then poured the family hot tea and placed their bowls of noodles in front of them before eating. They happily enjoyed their meals as Raya talked about what she and Hanzo playing with each other with kendo sticks and the dummy.

"Mom, Dad,  how do you both feel if I learned combat?" Raya asked as she feed herself a scoop of noodles to her mouth.

"That would be great, Raya. But don't you think its kind of a bit dangerous? Sometimes in combat can be very deadly. And me and your mom don't want you getting hurt," Haruki answered, looking at her with a concerned look.

Raya, listen. Learning combat isn't about defeating enemies and finishing them off. It's about fighting through your confidence and fear to defend for what you cherish. And my dear, if you ever come to that point of needing to fight or if you lose hope and faith, know that you are destined for great things and you truly deserve to live in peace," Sakura elaborated, putting her hand on Raya with a small smile on her face and her back.

~ Time Skip to Midnight ~

Everyone on the house was asleep in silence. Until Raya slowly woke up as she heard screaming and swords slashing. So tired to look at her window that she put her hand on her mouth of seeing bodies and blood on the ground from the village. She rushed to her parents' room to find them until she saw their blooded corpses and blood scrapes on the walls. Wanting to cry and scream, she quietly ran to the back door to escape the slaughter, not knowing what killed or what is out in their village. She took a quick glance behind her back while crying, she saw a white man in red markings and a tall and huge muscular man with a heavy and big mallet and guards approach the village. The man in red markings lit up a thermic fire ball from his hand and shoot it to the village which set it ablaze, including her house.

While crying and running, Raya kept on looking behind her back to see if there was anybody near or following her

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While crying and running, Raya kept on looking behind her back to see if there was anybody near or following her. But as she turned to her right side, a bunch of yellow and black ninjas were running towards the village. Hoping that it was help coming, Raya bumped into somebody that came out of no where when she was looking at her side, which turned out to be Master Hasashi. Relieved that it was him, he held her arms to reassure her that it was okay and quickly picked her up and place her on his back to carry her to the compound. After reaching the compound, Master Hasashi placed her in his room and grabbed her a blanket. He swung his arms around her with the blanket before sitting down to talk to her.

"Raya,  I'm sorry for what happened to your parents and your home. Are you all right? Is there anything I can get you?" Master Hasashi asked as Raya had her head down, silently crying as she said nothing.

" I know you are scared, but I need you tell me what you saw and what happened at the village. It's okay if you didn't or if you don't want to talk," Master Hasashi added.

While still feeling pain and hearing Master Hasashi's words, Raya released her hands from holding the blanket around and collided her hands together. But no longer wanting to let trauma consume her, she made a fist from one of her hands.

"I'd hate to ask you this, Master Hasashi, but teach me combat," Raya responded as she lifted her head and look at Master Hasashi with soar eyes of desperation.

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