Part 17 ( last part)

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Remus stared at the two in front of him, arms crossed over his chest and eyebrow furrowed.

"'re together?"

James nodded, lips pursed while he tapped on the side of his thigh.

" ok, well thats good. Except why the fuck are you two here?" Sirius basically bellowed.

James sighed and rolled his eyes.

" look, we well-"

" we were kissing."

James looked at severus with a deadpan expression and simply whispered " what the fuck sev."

" its the truth, plus you were gonna have a field day trying to come up with an explanation so I decided to save Remus the agony and say it clearly." Severus said plainly.

" still, I could've handled it."

" like you handled the situation with lily?"

" hey i did ok."

" you fell on the floor then immediately ran out and took me with you."

" wait you ran away? Again?" Remus asked.

" ok but to be fair I didn't run away from him so like, give me some credit."

Remus face palmed, not really knowing what he was expecting.

" i swear you are the dumbest person alive."

" i know you constantly tell me i am. Anyway we're gonna crash here tonight, bye." James said promptly and took severus' hand, leading them upstairs.

They disappeared past the steps and they heard a door close shut.

Remus looked over to sirius, pursing his lips and sighing.

" well, at least they figured it out."

" yeah, its been a confusing couple of weeks." Sirius agreed, throwing a hand over remus' shoulder so he could kiss his head.

" lets leave them alone, lord knows they must have a lot to figure out."


Back in his bedroom james relaxed, then immediately went into overdrive because holy shit severus was in his room.

His room was messy, definitely. Nothing like the test lab severus called his room. It was all exposed brick and red detailing, messy art and paper everywhere.

He had an easel and canvas in the corner with oil paints all over it, next to the window so the paint fumes wont mess him up too much.

Severus on the other hand was extremely intrigued by this. He was very particular about the way he kept everything in his home but he enjoyed the little bit of chaos james brought with him.

However he still couldn't help fix the bedding that was thrown around all willy nilly.

" are you seriously making my bed right now?"

" well if you did it this morning i wouldn't have. Its driving me crazy."

" its just a bed, im gonna mess it up soon anyway."

" well still, it ties your room together so you have to keep it tidy."

James groaned to himself.

" ugh, im dating a neat freak aren't i?"

" not so much of a near freak as a normal human being who doesn't like living in filth."

" nothing in my room is dirty, its just unorganized."

" to me its all the same. There, doesn't it look better?" Severus put his hands on his hips, looking at the new clean looking bed happily.

James rolled his eyes, walking behind severus and hugging him from behind.

" whatever makes you happy. I personally dont see a difference."

" how do you not see a difference? Are you blind?"

" i guess i just dont care about these things."

" well you should, i refuse to date someone who doesn't even make their bed."

" guess you'll have to make an exception."

Severus turned around so james was in front of him, hugging him by the shoulders.

" maybe. I guess i could for you."

" why thank you. Now do you mind if we sleep in the bed you just made because im very tired?"

Severus huffed a laugh and kissed the top of his head.

" sure. Not like I'll have a say in it, its your bed."

" that it is."


James woke up to the sun in his eyes, blinking a few times before finally realizing it was morning.

They watched a movie last night, at some point james must have fallen asleep because the laptop was placed on the nightstand next to him.

He looked down and smiled, seeing Severus' face digging into his chest. His own arms were strewn across his shoulders, Severus' around his waist.

Normally this would've given james a heart attack because he was definitely NOT used to this but somehow it felt okay. He picked at the hair sitting on the pillow, running his hands through the long strands.

His clock read 8:45 am and he mentally noted that severus clearly wasn't an early riser, considering the more james moved the tighter severus' grip became.

Eventually severus started to stir awake, still not letting go of james though because why would he.

And honestly james wasn't complaining. Sure was it a little confusing yeah but so were most things to james so whatever. And plus he finally got him as a boyfriend and he wasn't going to let this moment get away.

" are you awake?" James asked, poking severus' head.

" if you dont stop poking me im gonna break that finger off." Severus mumbled into james' chest.

James stopped, stifling a laugh but severus could still feel it rumble in his chest.

" so you're not a morning person huh?"

" obviously not. Leave me here, ill die a happy man." Severus dug his head deeper, rising a little so he right under james' chin now.

James laughed, actually this time and reached his hand to grab his glasses.

" well, id die a happy man too. I like this."

Severus hummed a response, mumbling something about how james smelled nice or whatever.

He pulled severus tighter, the other not complaining as long as he got to sleep some more.

" love you." James whispered, thinking severus was asleep because his breathing had evened.

He didn't wait for a response because he didn't need to, he was happy where he was and he wouldn't have it any other way.

And honestly he wouldn't change a thing.

There was a beat of silence, only light breathing and a few trees rustling outside.

Then severus just had to break it.

" love you too james."

A/N: sorry for the really long wait but anyway yeah thats it. Sorry if its kinda anticlimactic but i wanted to end it on a good note. So yeah, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading <3

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