Part 10

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The day went by as quickly as he could remember.

It was a nice day, it rained for just a split second so the air outside was heavy and smelt amazing. But now it was night time and they were sitting around bored out of their minds.

" should we play games?"

" what like board games?" Severus looked at marlene.

" no like sleepover games. Spin the bottle, truth or dare, never have i ever. You know, that stuff."

There was a mixed response of displeasure and agreement with marlene. So thats how they ended up in a circle at 10pm playing never have i ever.

" never have i ever been arrested." Remus announced.

Marlene and sirius put down a finger, and oddly enough so did james.

" what? You've been arrested?" Severus turned to him.

" ok look, padfoot thought it would be a good idea to run for it and i just got tagged along." He raised both hands, as if the incredibly vague answer would totally explain everything.

Severus looked at remus for help who just shook his head.

" ok then." Lily cut off severus' confusion.

" never have i ever kissed someone of the same sex."

Almost everyone put down a finger. Almost.

" james you've never kissed a guy?" Marlene asked.

" i thought you were bi." Lily looked perplexed.

Severus and james shared a glance of mutual panic and james quickly wrapped an arm around severus.

" uh the bi thing is kinda new. You know, not until this guy." He tried to play it off but it came out as nervous and flustered.

Severus pursed his lips in order not to laugh.

" oh so severus will be your first?" Marlene asked.

They both raised their eyebrows, looking at each other with slight fear.

" uh-"

" oh thats so cute. Sev kiss him."

" what?!" Severus yelled when lily said that.

" come on, you're already a couple and your boyfriend has never even kissed you."

" he is NOT my boy-" he was cut iff by james' elbow digging hard into his ribcage.

He yelped in pain, glaring at james who was staring back at him.

" a word?" James asked.

Before severus answered he was being dragged up and into the kitchen out of earshot.

" what the hell?" Severus whisper yelled.

" dont blow our cover."

" what-? She wanted me to kiss you, is that really something you want to do?"

" kinda."

Severus leaned his head back with wide eyes and stepped back.

" woah woah woah."

James face palmed.

" I didn't mean like that, i meant to sell this whole thing." He flailed his arms.

" hey I didn't agree to this." Severus pointed a finger.

" yes you did!"

" i meant be your fake boyfriend, not your real first kiss with a guy!" Severus said a little panicky.

James exhaled, looking around then back at severus.

" come on just kiss me! They'll think its weird we havent even done anything couple like."

" we did plenty of things couple like."

" you making me sit on your lap and complaining into my ear is not couple things."

Severus felt like he wanted to scream. This was not helping and he didn't want to confuse himself any more.

" forget it, im not doing it!"

" come on! Am i that un-kissable?" James whined.

" no its not that i dont want to kiss you, believe me alright." He said quickly, completely missing how James kinda stepped back with that statement.

" but im not the real person you wanna kiss, thats lily. Im just the bridge helping you along the way." He emphasized.

James scoffed and crossed his arms.

" if you're helping me then just do it."

" it doesn't work like that."

" come on. Its just a kiss."

Severus looked around, a little embarrassed from how persistent james is being about this.

" come on, its just a kiss. Just one kiss and then-"

" fuck, FINE." Severus yelled and in no time he was crossing the small distance between the two.

Pushing james against the counter and grabbing him by his face he planted a searing kiss onto his lips.

James let out a surprise yelp, hands flying up to grip at the edge of the counter.

He felt a little lightheaded at how hard the kiss was, severus obviously just wanting it to be over but james feeling that weird fluttery feeling again.

Then severus eased a little, he stopped tensing at every movement james made and he let his hands relax.

James, feeling a little defeated from severus being the one to kiss him, he stood up straighter. Pushed severus back a little and his hands wrapped around his torso.

Severus let it happen, still kissing james feverishly, hands clasped around the back of his neck now.

Eventually severus was pushed against the fridge door, wincing when his back hit the handle and pulled away.

James, panting slightly chased severus' lips but he pulled away before they could make contact.

They stood there, james' arms still around Severus and Severus' around his neck. Both were short of breath, breathing heavier than usual.

James swallowed, watching severus closely to anticipate their next move.

" happy?" Severus asked, holding his breath.

James took a moment before nodding, detaching himself from severus and rubbing the back of his neck.

Severus fixed his shirt, exhaling loudly in slight annoyance. He didn't know why he was annoyed, he just was.

This whole thing was annoying. Fake dating james, lying to lily, doing things like this. He would end up hurt if they went on like this, severus knew this.

" after this lets talk. Im gonna go out for a bit." Severus gulped, walking to the corridors, not even bothering in taking his phone or wallet.

The door shut loudly, probably loud enough for the rest to hear as well. James was left confused, a little nervous and regretful.

Maybe he took it too far. He just thought severus would he okay with it since he's the one who agreed to all this. But now he didn't know what he felt.

And it was a little scary.

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