Part 9

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The next day everyone was groaning in pain. The only one not guzzling down water or fighting for the aspirin was severus and he felt quite smug in that.

However it didn't bode well for the others when they saw how much of a hungover mess severus wasn't being.

" god take your happy healthy body and leave." Sirius grunted, head seemingly stuck to the table.

" sorry Black but i wont be going anywhere. Breakfast?"

" can you have a plate of painkillers for breakfast?" James asked.

" no?"

" then dont bother."

Severus chuckled, going to the kitchen to prepare something for them because he knew in a few moments they would be digging through the fridge.

He was scrambling the eggs in a bowl and preparing the bacon when a disheveled remus walked in.

" hello Lupin. No pants?" Severus asked.

" huh?" Remus looked down and mentally facepalmed when he realized he was just in boxers.

" shit. I don't remember where i put then." He shrugged and sat down at the island.

Severus nodded, adding the eggs to the pan and hearing the sizzle. Soon enough everyone was awake, too tired or too sickly to bother severus with their nonsense.

" so, how you doing?" He asked the tired looking ghost sitting behind him.

" great. Just.....great." The ghost answered, looking about ready to throw up.

" good to know. How much bacon do you want?"

" is it possible to have all of it?" Remus actually looked up.

" unfortunately not."

" then five."

The smell of breakfast wafted through the house, causing a couple of the other zombies to crawl into the kitchen to follow the scent.

" smells good." Marlene croaked.

" mhm." James nodded, wincing at the light pouring through the kitchen windows.

He made his way to severus, opting to just stand there and stare blankly at the frying pan.

" what are you doing?" Severus asked.

" i dont have my glasses, i dont know what im looking at."

" thats true, he's blind as a bat." Remus smirked.

James gave a half hearted 'fuck you' which just made remus snort.

Then james leaned against severus' shoulder, the action of holding himself up apparently too hard to handle. Severus would've moved away but he feared james would topple over if he did.

" hello!" Lily jumped into the room, way too cheerful.

Remus and james winced at the noise and marlene looked halfway dead. Seriously they did not do hangovers well.

" i see the couple is already attached to each other." Lily smirked.

James decided this was a good time to loop his arm around severus' so they were hooked together by the elbows.

" sure." He mumbled.

Severus kinda liked this. He honestly couldn't tell if james was just sleepy or extremely hungover. He couldn't be that hungover, he didn't even drink that much.

" hey where is sirius?"

" oh he's in the bathroom." Lily answered, pointing to the stairs that led upstairs.

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