It's not so bad

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A/N: Ack, school is almost over. I have one like actual school day left, then I have two days for a field trip and then graduation. Pretty funky fun.

George's POV:

I woke up with probably the worst headache I've ever had. The room I was in was all too distinguishable for comfort, and as soon as I gained consciousness a blaring light hit my eyes. I covered my eyes quickly and groaned into the pillow I was laying on. "You up?" I turned over while crunching my eyes shut. Dream stood in the doorway before noticing the crack in the blinds. "Here," he walked over and shut it all the way, blocking the horrible light out of my eyes. "I'm shocked you slept through the night," he scoffed and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Oh...wait what the hell even happened?" He smirked and handed me a glass of water and a few pills I didn't recognize but took anyway. "Football. Concussion." I groaned and flopped back on my back.

"I should go home," 

"No way! Your parents aren't home. You're staying with me until you're better," 

"What?! How did you know my parents aren't home?" I asked in a worried tone. "Because I called them," my jaw dropped. "How the hell did you get their number?? And why would you call them, I can handle myself," he rolled his eyes. "I had Wilbur bring your phone over, and don't get mad-"

"YOU WHAT!?!" He looked shocked, "Jesus, you'll hurt yourself," 

"No, you can't just talk to Wilbur! He's popular, you aren't. Plus if he knows we hang out he'll find out about code club and my life will be ruined!" 

"Well, I'm sorry that me being a decent human puts a dent in your social status!" I groaned and stood up, instantly falling back down. "God damn it," Dream started laughing at me. "Here, get changed then take a shower and come down for breakfast." He told me after throwing a few pieces of clothes, then left quickly. I sighed and wandered up and into the bathroom with the clothes he gave me. I quickly took my shirt off, which felt nice since it was hot and sweaty in his room. "Alright then..." I sighed and held up the shirt. It was a One Direction shirt with a spray-painted design, and by the looks of it, way too big for me. 

I slipped the shirt over my head and glanced in the mirror. It went down to my knees. I didn't even like One Direction, and I didn't take Dream as the type either. I put on the little shorts, which luckily had a string to adjust the waist size. After I got dressed I put deodorant on from one of my bags on the edge of Dream's bed, then headed downstairs. I remembered where the kitchen was from the last time I was here, and once I walked in I saw a young girl sitting at one of the kitchen stools, and Dream stood over the stove. I noticed he was singing.

"Your picture on my wall, it reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad," he mumbled in a beautiful voice. The girl looked up at me, then back to Dream. "Clay," I nearly forgot his real name was Clay. "Oh," he paused and looked me up and down. I covered myself with my arms and looked down at the floor awkwardly. "Are you wearing pants?!?" The girl asked, "oh, yeah, shorts," I walked over and sat on a stool across from her. "This is Drista, my little sister," I nodded. "I'm George," she smiled. "Sick shirt," I looked down at the One Direction shirt. 

"Do you listen to them?" She asked and scooted over so she was sitting at the stool next to me. ", I think they're rubbish but..." her jaw dropped. "YOU'RE KIDDING?!? THEY'RE LIKE THE BEST BOY BAND IN HISTORY!!" Dream snickered and turned back to the food. "Come here, let me show you something," she pulled her laptop off of the couch and walked back into the kitchen then opened it up to Youtube. 

"Watch, if you don't like their music, surely you'll like the guys," 

"Okay then..." I started hesitantly and focused on her screen.

"This is Louis, and that's Harry. They have this ship called, Larry. Personally, I think it's toxic but I can see the appeal. I do really like their friendship," I shot her a look. "But they're both boys??" She groaned. "And?? Let me teach you a lesson, George. Boy's like boys, and girls like girls, you can't change it, and you're not going to change any of the boy loving boys by being a hater. You can either let a few bad bitches ruin your life by being a sour puss until you rot, or you can just let them do their thing and be a good person. It's a win-win for the gays," 

I frowned, "but don't they get hate because people think they're gay...?" I asked. "Well yeah, but they also change a lot of really good people's lives." I smiled, out of instinct almost. "That's kind of cool," she laughed. "I was worried you brought home a homophobe Clay, we don't need another one of those at home," he started wheezing and brought us both toast with avocado and eggs. "Thanks," I muttered and smiled up at him. 

"So...are you guys boyfriends?" Drista asked while we all ate. "What?!?!" Dream nearly choked on his food. "Sorry for assuming things but I got the vibe..." she mumbled awkwardly. I was laughing, mostly at Dream. I felt so safe here, that it almost felt natural being gay. I don't know...that's weird. I shook the feeling off and smiled up at Dream. 

"So, I'm thinking, we ditch school, and go get ice cream," Dream started. "That's ridiculous," I told him. "Yeah, have fun with that." Drista said while laughing and grabbed her bag then left, "where are you going?" Dream asked and walked after her. "Uh, school? My friend drives me," he shrugged. "Oh okay then," he walked back into the kitchen where I was. "I can't go to school with you, I'm calling Wilbur," Dream scoffed.

"No, we're ditching, your parents won't give a fuck right?" I rolled my eyes. "Actually I think they might murder me," he shrugged. "Alright then, I'll call your school, what's your dad's name," 


A/N: I'm doing another filler chapter because I suck at writing:D

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