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A/N: I'm driving to Memphis right now and i'm going to do a tour at the national civil rights museum. Also, if you know me, you know I fucking LOVE the civil war.

George's POV:

I guess I have to make this choice right? Why would he even make me do this? If i'm being honest with myself I don't even have to think about this. I could show up to the cafe and ask him on a date and we'd be fine. I could come out to everyone and keep it a secret from my parents for another year until I could move out and be my own person. The thought of that made me nauseous though. It isn't that easy, but Dream knows that, that's why he's even asking me to do this in the first place. I'm not an idiot, I can see that much.

I collapsed on my bedroom floor and grabbed my phone, texting the first person I could think of.

GNF: Hey

Eret: Hi George! It's been a while

GNF: Can you come over?

Eret: Right now?

GNF: Yeah, is that okay?

Eret: Is an hour good?"

GNF: Yes just please get here

Eret: Alright, are you safe??

GNF: Oh, no no i'm fine, I just need some assistance

Eret: Okay good, ill see you in a bit.

GNF: Thank you ToT

I put my phone down and got up to get myself ready. I stared at myself in the mirror for at least three minutes before walking downstairs to make something to eat.

"Chicken...gross. Tomato...disgusting. Cereal?" I muttered to myself before realizing I had already grabbed a bowl and and spoon out of habit. "Cereal it is," I yawned and pulled the jar of cheerios out of the counter and the milk from the fridge. "I'm frustrated with you Dream," I said to my phone which was opened to a picture of him and I at the beach. "Are you frustrated with me too?" I asked, half way expected him to answer, but of course, the all too familiar sound of silence wafted through the air. I sighed to myself and carried my bowl of cheerios over the the family room couch where Dreams blanket laid. He forgot it, what an idiot.

It was one of those stupid Minecraft blankets in the little boys section at Target. He bought it when we were there the other day and had hardly gone anywhere without the thing. He's so dumb. I chuckled to myself and spooned another bunch of cheerios into my mouth, still stained with vanilla chapstick and hot breath. We haven't known each other near as long as it feels. But somehow I already know how he tastes, how he smells, how he thinks, how he acts. All of it circles my mind in a constant loop with no pause button. It's almost annoying at times, other times it's sad, and sometimes a quick feeling of lust is involved. He made me feel guilty, a lot of which had to do with how much I find myself comparing both of us to one another. In the end he always ends up the better of the two of us. Maybe that's what love is. An endless cycle with one complete end being their infinite greatness in comparison to everything you're meant to value most.

I didn't think much time had gone by, but I was proven wrong when a loud but welcoming knock was heard from the front door. "Coming!" I shouted and hoisted myself up off the couch and over to the door. I swung it open and saw the tall brunette staring down at me with a familiar friendly smile. "Hi!" He said happily, "I brought you a cookie," he pulled a plastic bag out of his pocket with a half crushed chocolate chip cookie in it. "Oh..." he said sadly. "Putting it in my back pocket probably wasn't the best decision," I laughed softly and took the bag. "Thank you, i'm sure it's good," he nodded and walked passed me to sit on the couch.

"So what did you need help with?" I shrugged even though I knew exactly what I needed help with. It's all i've been able to think of- well, he's all i've been able to think of. "You're bisexual, right?" He laughed. "Yeah, we've talked about this...why?" I looked down at my lap. "I think i'm..." he cocked a brow and cracked one of his knuckles. "...bisexual?" He asked hesitantly. I shrugged, "maybe...o-or like gay...or something. I don't know! And don't make fun of me!" He smiled sweetly. "I wouldn't make fun of you for that! It's alright if you don't have everything all figured out yet, just be yourself and love whoever you love right now. Things are allowed to change in your life, yourself included," I nodded. "Thanks,"

"Is that all?" I shook my head side to side. "No, there's actually this guy..." his interest was clearly peaked. "Oh?" I felt my face get hot and a smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. "Y-Yeah...his name is Clay," Eret smiled. "I like that name," I nodded while smiling. "I know and it fits him so well too. He's blonde and has these really cool green steaks in his hair, it's like kind of messy and long and wavy. Do you remember when your hair was super long and fluffy and stuff?" He nodded. "That's like what his hair looks like, but super thick and textured," he smirked. "Sounds hot," I nodded while blushing. "Oh my god and he has freckles, and green eyes- dude his eyes are so like magical looking," he smiled at me.

"What's he like?" I jumped at the opportunity to rant even more. "He's kind of an ass hole, but in a perfect way. He smirks a lot, and it's really attractive. Plus he's a really big tease, and he's tall, like really tall. I used to absolutely hate him- I mean we hated each other. He likes video games, and he's got tons of piercings and a few tattoos. He's totally cool but like kind of weird. He wears cat ears and sometimes a tail, but like I used to think it was weird but now it's just normal you know?" He laughed and ran his fingers through his hair. "He sounds cool...not someone I expected you to go for honestly," I laughed. "Yeah, he is cool, and definitely not what I thought my type was,"

"This all sounds really awesome George...i'm just confused why you need my help with this," I frowned. It was good just ranting about the guy I like but there is an issue here.

I explained every part of our relationship from the moment we met at the juice bar to our conversation yesterday. "Oh my god," Eret mumbled. "I mean, woah. He beat up Trevor?? You beat up Trevor?!?" I laughed nervously while nodding. "I don't know man...he sounds like a keeper. It could be dangerous though, he sounds like someone who might hurt you if they get scared," I nodded. "Yeah..." he gave me a sympathetic look. "He's right though. Running from yourself only works for so long, and the backlash is real," I nodded and shoved my face into a throw pillow. "I'm convinced the universe hates me," He laughed at me harmlessly, "the universe doesn't hate you, you're just figuring shit out," I sighed and laid down on his lap. "You should go George," he said softly and stroked my head.


A/N: Eret has been consulted:D I still have to decide if he's going to go meet George or not so yeah:)

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