Chapter 14 - Depression

Start from the beginning

"Yeah yeah, thanks," as I went to leave I hesitated, turning back to Race. "Hey, actually, he said that it hurts really bad still, so I might need your help. Could you come up when you're ready?" Race nodded with a big smile, and I smiled back.

"'Course I can! I'll be just a few minutes!" He then left for the showers, and I went right back to the penthouse.

As I climbed to the top Crutchie weakly smiled at me, visibly in a lot of pain. I went and sat down right beside him, and he leaned against me, resting his head on my chest. His breathing was calm, but he was shaking just a bit from the pain.

"I'm tired," he eventually mumbled, breaking my heart. I knew he partially meant he was tired from his lack of sleep, but was also emotionally exhausted. I gently ran my fingers through his hair, wishing there was more I could do.

"I know," I said, and I could tell he began to cry just a bit. 

"I'm so, so tired," he repeated, only making my heart shatter even more.

"It'll be okay," I continued to run my fingers through his hair since I knew it made him feel better, and there wasn't anything else I could do to help.

"It doesn't feel that way sometimes," he kept mumbling as he spoke, his breathing still steady.

"I know it doesn't, but you've gotta trust me." I tried to speak to him as quietly as he was speaking to me, not wanting to scare him on accident.

"That's hard for me to do," he said, and I quickly grew confused.


"It's hard for me to trust anyone," he got out, and I remained quiet. "I've only been treated like I was nothing for my entire life," he took a deep breath, and I hoped he'd look up at me, but he didn't. 

"I promise that you can trust me." I said, kissing him on the head.

"I know," was all he said back, and he finally looked up at me and smiled. The ladder then shook, and Race soon appeared, smiling at the two of us.

"Morning!' He said as he walked closer, kneeling down by Crutchie's foot.

"I don't wanna do this," he whispered, looking up at me again and giving me the same puppy-eyes from before.

"I know, I know. It'll be over real quick, alright?" He nodded and looked back down, sitting up and off of me. I put my hand out for him to squeeze, and he took it without hesitation.

"I've just gotta take this one off first," Race said, looking at Crutchie. "Ready?" Crutchie nodded and closed his eyes, bracing for what was to come. Once Race had started he only squeezed my hand a little, not tensing up too much. "Done, just gotta wrap it now."

"That didn't hurt that bad," Crutchie said, loosening his grip.

"Unwrapping is the easiest part, this might hurt way more," Race got ready, looking at Crutchie. "Ready?" Crutchie nodded, and Race began. He then gripped my hand far tighter than before, tensing up.

"This is worse, this is way way worse," he said, making me feel upset since I couldn't do anything. Thankfully Race finished quickly, and Crutchie let go of my hand. He brushed his hair off his face, sighing.

"Thanks Race," I said, knowing Crutchie likely trying to suppress the pain, so he wouldn't talk.

"It's no problem! Just lemme know if you need me," he took off down the ladder, leaving the two of us.

"Let me know when you're good to go," I said, smiling at Crutchie.

"We can go now, it's alright," he began to get up, trying to smile back at me as best he could. 

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