17 | All His Darn Fault~

Start from the beginning

It was a screech.

An unnatural screech.

That almost sounded like... That almost sounded like a monster, Seren thought.

Before she knew it, the doors flung open, and she was roughly shoved to the other side. She stumbled forward at first, but then her foot caught on the dirt and she fell face-first. She hugged the ground for what seemed like the one millionth time.

The doors shut behind her. She heard the locks click. She was barred from going back inside.

Her face was on the ground, facing to the left side. She and a few prisoners had eye contact. Wait, prisoners?

She suddenly became confused, and by the looks on their faces, the prisoners looked like they were confused, too.

Because what separated them were iron bars.

She looked around, seeing the rows and rows of bars forming a wall, and then the realization dawned on her on what the situation looked like.

She had just been thrown into a large cage that was the size of a field, while the other prisoners of Bargeesa were outside and free to spectate. They were in an open area surrounded by tall walls. The sky was free to look at overhead.

She heard a screech from behind her. A large shadow engulfed her, covering the sun. Only then did she realize that she was still on the ground.

Prisoners went to take a curious look, and then started to gather outside of the cage, finding this interesting. They were carrying pickaxes on their shoulders. Suddenly, Seren was lifted from the dirt, the back of her tunic being picked up. Her body slowly turned to witness what it was.

Her heart stopped as she came face to face with a giant spider, and its eight red eyes were looking right at her.

It was twenty feet tall and was black and fuzzy. It had eight legs that pegged into the ground. Seren went limp just from the sight of it.


Creatures like these exist?

She gulped.

She could not move at all. She was paralyzed. The spider opened its mouth—it was so slimy and horrific that Seren could have sworn she experienced a mild heart attack.

It was going to eat her, then and there.

She moved on instinct. She swung her legs upwards and kicked its pedipalps. It dropped her and she hit the hard ground. Suddenly, all of the prisoners in Bargeesa came to life.

"YEAHHHH!" they cheered. Everyone went screaming. Sounds of pickaxes hitting the iron bars resonated the entire open area. The sudden noise agitated the tarantula, and Seren sensed that something bad was coming.

She turned to the crowd, putting a finger to her lips. "SHH!" she shushed. Can't their stupid asses see it's getting agitated?

The prisoners would not listen, though. It even looked like they were doing it on purpose.

Her eyes widened then. She rolled on the ground just as a sharp leg darted on the ground beside her. It punched through the dirt. Then another one of its legs went for her other side. She rolled and dodged. This went on for five to six times until one of the prisoners yelled, "GET 'ER!"

Seren staggered to the other, farther side of the cage, chest heaving up and down heavily. She held onto the iron bars for support.

The spider released a loud "KREEE!" It went searching for her, swinging it's furry head side to side. It spotted her at the same time Seren lurched forward.

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