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Tempest walked through the quiet hallways, to where she'd been lucky enough to get a quiet apartment, and going far from the noise, at least as far as she could get away from it all.

She walked into her new apartment and unpacked her stuff quickly, which was really just two extra black jackets that she had bought during initiation, a hairbrush, extra shirts, along with a few pairs of pants.

She unpacked them all and folded them neatly, before she put them into the drawers, cursing herself silently a bit, for the Abnegation curse of not speaking while doing things.

"I really need to kick these habits without delay. Everyone is going to make fun of me, if I don't." She said quietly to herself, and she hangs up the dark black jackets and hoodies in the closet.

She moved back to the bed and put the sheets on, and she puts the shirts and pants in the dresser drawer.

She heard a very loud knock on the door of her room and she winced at the sound by old habits, that had been ingrained in her since her mother had died.

"Come in." She managed to swiftly steady her voice, as the knock came again before she had answered.

Max walked in and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Did you not make any friends during initiation time? I thought, that you would've been staying with them. You seem a little more adjusted than Four, who was adamant about having made an few friends, but not wanting to live in a loud environment." Max was in the eyes of Tempest, the most curious and the more assumption-orientated of the five Dauntless leaders.

"Yeah, I am maybe a little more adjusted. But I also know my limits in terms of what I can and can't do. As of right now, I can't come to terms with living in a group of people, especially not right after initiation. But, can I ask why you're here?" Tempest asked and Max pulled up a chair, and he sat on it as Tempest sits on the edge of her bed, unsure of why he was still in her new place.

"A couple of my fellow leaders, we think are getting too old for the job and we are needing replacements. I wanted to offer you the position, as the highest ranking initate, for one of the two posts." Max explained and Tempest raised an eyebrows a bit, and she looked surprised at the offer.

"I figured that a former Stiff, no matter what rank she was in the Dauntless initiation, would never be offered a chance, to become a leader of Dauntless. I figured that I'd just be one of the many, who disappears into the Dauntless life." Tempest stated, as a chuckle came from Max.

"You are the most improved by the definition among the initates by far, and prior to his jump, Amar called you one of the best candidates for a leader position, that he'd ever seen, kid." Tempest raised her eyebrows at being called a kid by him. "You were also spoken of, rather highly from a few of the other initiates. If you are interested in being a leader or bein' at least applying for the position come to my office tomorrow. Tenth floor of the Pire." Max stated and she nods at his words, still half in shock at the option that had been put in front of her.

"I'll be there. Thank you." She said and shook hands with him quickly now, slightly surprised at how natural it felt to shake hands with somebody now, instead of using the Abnegation greeting method, of a simple bow of a head.

After Max had left her alone in her apartment once again, Four walked in and she looked over at him. "Even the other Dauntless, they all know how to knock on the door, Four." She states as she stretched her arms out, and felt a crack, as she sighed.

"Yeah, I know. Did Max talk to you about the leadership positions that are going to be opening, as well?" He asked and she laughed a little bit.

"Yeah, he asked you about it first then... I am just guessing, rather quite amusing, a lot here." She said and he'd nod real quickly as he looks around at the apartment. "Eerily similiar now, to yours?" She guessed by the look on his face, and he nodded.

"Anyways, I'll see you at dinner. Feel free to sit with Zeke and Shauna with me, by the way, they're definitely both missing you already." Four said with a broad grin, as he hugs her, and before she knew it, he was walking out again and she looked at the last part of their duffel bag.

She had purchased a pack of pencils and a sketchpad with her points a day before her final test, as it were and as she had not even used it yet, it was all too empty.

A knock came at the door and she sighed, and as she quickly tossed the sketchbook onto her bed, she walked over to the door. "What is it now-- oh, it's you." She said, expecting Four and seeing Eric towering above her now at least by a fair few inches, it startled her more than she cared to admit.

"Expecting your brother?" He asked and she rolled her eyes at his words of assumption, but she nods anyways, too weirded out still by Max's offer, to bother trying to lie about it.

"What do you want now Eric?" She asked and crossed her arms over her chest, copying Shauna's usual stance and he shrugged.

"It looks like you've got a plain apartment." He said and looked over her head to peer into the room, as she glared at him, and stepped into the hallway, slamming the door shut with a bang behind her.

"Keep your Erudite nose out of my business and save the bullshit for a person who wants to hear it, what are you doing here?" She asked bluntly, as he raised his eyebrows at her blunt words, as if she had been acting like a bit of a Candor by mistake there, for a second or two.

"Wow... sorry for stepping on your toes." Eric commented, backing up a couple of steps and raising his hands in a surrender-like position.

Tempest sighed quietly, as she scratched her upper arm, where her wolf tattoo ended and she shakes her head at his words. "No, I'm sorry. I did not mean to be so blunt. I'm actin' like a total tool." She said and he looked at her, as he shakes his head.

"No, you're not acting like a tool. In this situation, you were acting more like a former Abnegation girl, who is definitely confused, about where she belongs in her new faction." Eric said and Tempest lifted her eyebrows a bit, as she shakes her head.

"You are way too smart to be in Dauntless. Has anyone else told you that yet?" She asked and he scoffed at her words, and she looked over at him with narrowed eyes now.

"Yeah, you just did." Eric pointed out and she chuckled very quietly, with a slight nod. "Hey, I got a laugh." He said and she punches him. "Ow." He said with a tone, of only partially joking pain in his voice now.

They heard the shouting from the Pit and everybody was rushin' past to get to the Dining Hall. "I'm starving. Race you?" She asked and Eric chuckled at her, and without warning, she pushed him into the wall and bolted off down the hallway.

"Hey!" He complained as he bolted down the hallway after her, and, as she ran, she could hear him laughing loudly from behind her.

Dauntless Member ||Eric Coulter||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang