[17] Tag !

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the amount of fun I had with this was great ,, I've been feeling down so this helped take my mind off of that. :]

FairyTails123 did a Q&A ,, so I decided to force her to do another one-
tag her in this! I enjoyed reading the questions and getting to know about her ,, so I'll do one myself :]. ofc you don't have to do this ,, but why not tag you.

 ofc you don't have to do this ,, but why not tag you

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meaning behind username?

hmm ,, I've had this name for a long time [on other sites] because it just sounded cool to me. but I think along the way I've found some sort of meaning. I'll explain shortly cause I have tendencies to ramble.

I hide who I really am

IM NOT A PEDOPHILE OR ANYTHING WOSJWJB just ,,,, everybody hides them selves online. Even if you aren't trying too ,, you always will because we're never face to face. I just hide myself a little more. Maybe one day I'll be fully opened :).

favorite book?

the little prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry [ because ,, apparently ,, fanfictions doesn't count as real literature to the adults.]

I get something new out of that book each time I read it. I was never a huge bookworm when I was way younger ,, but that book was always something special to me.

what's your icon and background?

My icon is a picture of Minato Arisato [or Makoto Yuuki] from persona 3. I've been considering if I should just use him as my online persona ,, haha.

my background is Akira Kurusu [or Ren Amamiya but Akira sounds prettier imo] from Persona 5 ,, dropping his shaved ice. :']

what type of books do you write// if you write?

Poetry and Fanfiction. I recently got into poetry because I was feeling absolutely miserable one day,, it turned out to be an amazing escape and a way for me to express my feelings fully. but I didn't really feel like anybody I knew really appreciated poetry or anything so I came here to post :]. I also love reading poetry as well obviously.

as for fanfiction,, it's really fun to explore characters I love and imagine different scenarios with them. as well as make books for other people to read and enjoy. even though my writing isn't the best I really enjoy it.

recommend three books.

obviously the little prince ,, you can find it in my reading list on profile.

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