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''I love you

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''I love you.

- Yours''

how could you end that note like that

if you were mine then why're you gone now?

maybe we'll meet again. i.d.k

i kinda hope we don't remember each other。

we see each other on a warm hill。

i'm always imagining things warm because this world is quite cold。

there's a nice little tree with a swing nobody's used for a while until you came here。

it's just us alone. us and the wind。

i'm pretty sure the world stopped for a second when we locked eyes。

but it's a little awkward because hopefully you're a stranger。

but even though we don't know each other we can't look away。

something feels like home when I look at you。

the sun's rays feel a little warmer。

or maybe it's just your eyes。

maybe there's a part of me that wants to remember you。

but i don't wanna remember that pain you gave me when i had to lose you the first time。

i just wanna be yours。

and I want you to be mine。

so maybe I do hope to remember you。

for now though

thing's are a lot colder without you。÷

Whether you wanna see this romantic or platonic ; it hurts like a bitch to lose someone you love。÷

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Whether you wanna see this romantic or platonic ; it hurts like a bitch to lose someone you love。÷

also this song kinda hurts.

💭𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤💭Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora