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Zoe gasped and ran up to her to give her a hug. "You're back!"

"Uh, okay. Let go of me, you're gonna wrinkle my jacket." Chloe replied moving her away.

"You didn't change at all did you?" Zoe asked while laughing. 

"You got a problem? Anyway now that I'm here I might as well go to all the shopping centres in Paris and shop! You can come with me if you want. But for now I think the both of us needs our well deserved beauty sleep." Chloe explained. 
Zoe looked in shock but then smiled. "I wonder how or who could've changed her." 

The two went to their rooms. Chloe went to her room to notice that it hasn't changed at all. She smiled. 

"My suit cases are yet to come. I wonder if those old clothes in there will even fit me anymore." She said as she walked over to the closet. Chloe opened the closet to see a whole set of new clothes. She gasped.

"Are these all for me? Wow there's only a few clothes in here though. Ugh!" She grabbed the white pyjamas and went to change and got ready to go to sleep. 

The next day, Chloe went down stairs to eat break fast. She got greeted by everyone. 

"Welcome back Chloe!"

"Hi Chloe! I'm glad to see you again!"

"Long time no see Chloe!" 

"Welcome back Mademoiselle!" 

The blonde haired girl smirked as she waved to everyone. "Yeah yeah, I'm back happy now! I knew you all are nothing without me! I wonder how all those weird old class mates lived without me!" 

"Hello Chloe dear! How has life been in New York?" Her dad greeted. 

"It's been great thanks. How have you and my half of a sister been?" 

"It was very boring and dull without you Chloe, but I'm glad your back!" He smiled.

"Hm. Saw it coming." Chloe walked over to the table where her mum was sitting. She looked happy to finally be back with her family again, but she didn't show it. 

"Hi mum! I'm glad you and Chloe are back! It's been really quiet without you guys!" Zoe smiled.

"Yes, I can tell." She answered as she sipped her tea whilst reading her magazine. 

Chloe ate her break fast and called Zoe.

"You coming or not?!" She asked. 

Zoe looked behind she got really excited and gave her a big smile. "I never saw this coming! I really like this new side of Chloe!"  She thought to herself. 
"Coming Chloe!" she replied. Zoe quickly got up and followed behind Chloe. Zoe went outside to see a black and yellow motorcycle with two white helmets. 

"Is this all yours?" Zoe replied as she stared in awe.

"Yep. I have it for reasons." 

"You learnt a lot of things when you were in New York didn't you?" Zoe laughed. 

"Mhm. Now put this on." She replied as she shoved the helmet on her head. 

"What about you?"

"I won't be needing it. I don't want a helmet to cover my beauty!" 

Zoe giggled. The two got onto the motorcycle. Chloe started it and drove to several different shops. She was even nice enough to buy Zoe some clothes as well. They came back with a whole lot of shopping bags. 

"Woah Chloe! You really went all out today. And thanks a lot for all the things you brought for me! I really owe you one!" Zoe gushed as she hugged her sister. Chloe smiled and hugged back. She took of her sunglasses.
"I didn't plan to only go shopping today. Get ready, after we put all these things away, I'm planning to go to the Eiffel Tower!" Chloe announced. 
"To the very top?" Zoe asked.
Zoe gasped in surprise, "I've never went to the top of the Eiffel Tower! I only went once with Marinette and the others but not to the top! Oh my Chloe you really changed for the better! After that we can get Andre's ice cream. And I'll be paying Chloe so don't even bother!" 
"No I'll pay. I got a lot of money to spend-"
"Nope I'm paying. And that's final!" 
"Um... okay weirdo!" Chloe laughed. Zoe laughed along with her. What the two didn't notice was that their parents were watching for afar. Andre and Audrey smiled. 

"They're finally getting along. What did you do to Chloe!? She changed so much!"

"I'm not sure either. She just told me she was going to change for someone who's special to her or something like that."

"Oh is that so? I wonder who this someone could be."


Chloe came back and got dressed up to do undercover work. But that was when he got stopped by her dad. 
"What is it now?"
"You don't have any work to do today! We're going to Zoe's graduation ceremony. She graduated college!"
"Okay, and what does this have to do with me?"
"You can finally see your friends again-"
"None of those weirdos were ever my friends. I had no friends back then and I never will. Well I never will be friends with those losers anyway." Chloe replied.
Andre laughed, "You changed a little but not that much have you?" Chloe just rolled her eyes and went up to her room.

"Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!" She hissed. 

Chloe went to her room and opened her closet. She had a bunch of new clothes that she planned on wearing. She chose a nice outfit to wear. It was a pain white collared shirt, with a bow tie on it. She wore a black jacket over it and a locket her mum gave her. She wore a grey skirt with the outfit, it had a black stripe on the bottom. Along with that, she wore black leather boots. 

"I should've chose something more colourful but this seems formal enough for a ceremony." Chloe muttered. She did her hair and met her family in the entrance of the hotel. 

"Let's go already." Her mum said, annoyed. 

The whole family went inside the limousine and drove to the hall. 

Once they reached the entrance they all walked in. Zoe had a look of excitement on her face. Chloe sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Seriously! Why do I have to be part of this, such a waste of time-"

Chloe suddenly felt an aura go passed her. Her icy blue eyes widened. She didn't want to turn around. All she knew was that the person who walked passed her had two toned hair. He was tall and was wearing a fancy suit. He was holding something in his hands. 

Chloe blushed. 


Sorry for the long upload!!! 😭 I was just out of ideas. But luckily with all these season 4 spoilers going around, I finally have something in mind. Get ready for the next chapter >:)

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