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Chloe bumped into someone.

"Are you okay?" the voice asked. Chloe didn't have time to deal with another weirdo, all she wanted to do was go home. 


"You look like you've been crying? Do you need help?" 

The voice sounded really calm and soothing. Chloe could feel the rain stopping, but she looked around to see that it was still raining around her. Tears were still streaming down from her face, she felt embarrassed. 

"I'm fine...really. I'm just having a bad day..." Chloe replied. She looked up to see a really cute guy who had two toned hair, he had diamond blue eyes which gave her a weird feeling. His clothes were blue and black and the style was similar to Chloe's. He was holding a guitar case behind him. His warm smile made Chloe's heart rush. 

"That's fine. Every time I have bad day, I listen to calm and happy music. It always lightens my mood. But maybe it's different for you. Hey, you can take my umbrella if you want. You need it more than me. Besides, I don't really mind the rain." 
Chloe stayed silent and stared at him. She was speechless. ✨Utterly speechless✨ 
"I-I don't know what to say...

th-thank you." 

"No problem. Well I have to get going now, au revoir." 



Chloe just stood there, she could feel her heart beat really fast. She never ever felt that before, not around any boy, not even around Adrien. 

"What is this feeling?"


Marinette's POV

"Tikki, how am I supposed to do this!? Chloe got akumatized too much. It's almost everyday! And today she seemed really powerful today, without Zoe I wonder what could've happened! We need something to help her feel good and have positive emotions.

Or someone." 

"Don't overthink yourself Marinette. Calm down!" 

"I know. I wonder who could make Chloe feel good about herself...Sabrina? No, she may be her friend, but she still doesn't change. Could it be Adrien?"

"You know how Chloe's like, we need someone who can handle her and actually listen to her, and could change her for the better. Adrien's really kind and has a warm heart, but I don't think he's good enough." Tikki replied.

"No one is...wait...

How about Zoe?"

"This may be crazy, but how about Luka? He's really calm and always listens to others, and...well...maybe he'll be able to change her." 

"Great idea Tikki! But...I don't think that they'll get along well. Luka doesn't really like mean horrible people like Chloe. Maybe he'll just hate on her. But then again, I guess it's worth giving it a try...

I have an idea!

But I don't know if it'll work..."

"You can turn the impossible, possible! That's why you're ladybug!"

Marinette smiled and petted Tikki.


The next day, school was closed due to the recent attack. Marinette was heading to Luka's place to talk about her plan.
Well sort of. Ever since their confession, things were very different. Marinette felt really bad for Luka, he deserved a person who would love him with all their heart. 

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