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Luka had waited for half an hour for Marinette but she never came. He was about to go when he noticed someone. 
She was talking on the phone, she looked quite tired and sort of annoyed.

"Ugh, what are you guys even useful for!?" She said. The blonde then hung up the phone. Chloe noticed the boy looking at her, she didn't know why, but she suddenly walked up to her. 

"Hi." Luka said. 

"Uh...I can't believe I'm saying this." Chloe muttered.

"Are you okay?"  She asked. 

Luka looked at her in shock, but then smiled, "Yeah I'm fine! I just got stood up by someone..." 

"What the!? Why would someone not wanna hang out with a guy like you!? Wait- what am I even saying!? Ugh! Now I sound like some kind of softy." She sighed. Luka chuckled quietly. "Hey, come with me." He said. Chloe followed behind him and sat on the bench. Luka got his guitar out.
"What are you gonna do with that? Make a music video or something?" Chloe asked.
"No, not really. I wanna hear your thoughts on this tune I came up with."

He started playing a relaxing tune that sounded really nice to Chloe. She made a small smile. He played for a few minutes as the sun started to set. It looked really beautiful. 
"Woah! The sunset looks lovely! I've never seen it like this. It looks really...peaceful." Chloe muttered as she stared in awe.
"I know. I've seen it before as well, but for some reason it seems a lot better than before. A lot...likeable I guess." He replied. 

Chloe realised what she was doing and then snapped back into reality. "What is wrong with me all of a sudden!? Why am I like this?"  she thought to herself. 

"Hey you!"


"What's your name?"

"Oh, we've met a few times before. I'm surprised you still don't know!" Luka laughed.

Chloe blushed in embarrassment. 

"I'm...uh...not so good at remembering names. I'm Chloe by the way. Chloe Bourgeois." 

"I know. I've heard your name a lot from others, they say you're mean and rude, but you're nothing like that."

Chloe's face flushed red at his statement. She smiled at him. "Th-thank you." 
Luka started playing a tune on his guitar again, he closed is eyes and tried to create the best tune. Chloe closed her eyes as well, while listening to his music. 

10 minutes later.

Luka stopped playing the guitar. Chloe opened her eyes. 

"Hey Chloe, do you wanna get ice cream?" He asked, pointing at Andre. 

"What good will that do!? The amount of calories in ice cream is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! But..."


"Fine, I'll go just this once."

Luka laughed and walked with Chloe to Andre. People say that a couple who eats Andre's ice cream together, will be with each other for the rest of their life. 

"Oooh! What do I see here? Two friends together? You two seem like opposites! Like the sweet blueberry and the sour lemon. That's what makes an interesting couple! And blueberry and lemon seem like quite a good mixture of ice cream when you try it! Did I mention that you two look really lovely with each other!" He said. 

Luka looked at him with a nice smile while Chloe's face went as red as a strawberry. 

"Ew! We're not a couple! Luka is not my type! Just look how ridiculous his clothes look! Ridiculous utterly ridiculous! Stop blabbering and give our ice cream already." She scoffed. Andre and Luka laughed at this

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