11| Explosion

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"Every moment in life is an explosion worth celebrating
Every moment in life is an adventure worth exploring
Every moment in life is an escapade worth attempting
Every moment in life is ours to make or break"

This message sprung up unto my screen like a wrong April fools' text. The sender was my brother and I was inwardly wondering if he had got wind of Ryan's re-emergence. I won't be staggering to know that Hailey had sneaked away to give him a breakdown of what transpired. Axel can be so deep with his captions, quotes and what not that is sometimes mind- boggling. His Instagram feed is flooded with these profound messages which captivates the female audience. It is not surprising that he has 1million followers (of which I assume at least 3/4 are females). He has a way of making the simplest saying seem so complex.

"Thanks love", I texted back.

The orientation kicked off with a prayer from one of the newbies who looked awfully too delighted to be doing so. She was oozing desperato and it looked pathetic. She wore a pink dress and pink sneakers; had pink accessories in her fake blonde her and a pink backpack on top of everything. I heard she was called Bianca, but preferred being called Queen B. Other than fake barbie, most were reserved and cautious. Only time would tell if they were also being pretentious. Only time would tell if these strangers cramped in this room would be friends.

We took turns to introduce ourselves. I heard so many names, so many places, so many dreams and so many 'blah,blah,blahs. Luckily, Hailey was sitting next to me, helping to bring normalcy in the fakery.

After introductions, Mr Deon Cole gave us a boring overview of how the courses work, the extra curriculum activities and most importantly the rules. The rules were more like basic must know protocols, but anything to instill fear and panic. A dull lecture by the Same Mr. Deon Cole followed. He tried so many times to be funny, but it always came out dry and uninteresting. It was so funny how we run out immediately his time was out, before he even dismissed us. What was even funnier was his attempt at trying to call us back. We peeled away like we didn't give a Hoot. I signal to Hailey that we have to go, but she was all googly- eyed, clearly indicative of a mysterious thing she had done or tea that she knew I might not really enjoy.

"I saw the stripper!" , exclaimed Hailey excitedly.
"What do you mean you say the stripper"
"I said what I said. I saw the stripper. The one that was all over you at the club, lap dancing, dry humping and kissing. The one that gave you his number. He is a student here."

"Well, that's a disaster!"

"Do you always have to see the bad side of everything. His being here is a good thing. Really. He is the break you need from all the drama."

"What are you insinuating in that head of yours?", I asked with a questionable look on my face. Hailey is capable of pulling some last minute surprises.
"Come meet him, he's right here"

Truly he was right here, in front of me. This time not in g- string, but in a blue Levi jeans and white crew neck T shirt. He looked magnificent! Well, this is an explosion, I had to contemplate whether it was worth celebrating. Is this some sort of cosmic karmic joke?

"Hello pretty, nice to meet you. You didn't call but I am okay with it. I am ready to pursue you and make you mine."

"That is bold of you. You do this a lot".
"Not at all. For Just the one that captivates my heart. I have not been able to pass a day without thinking of you, without writing all these love songs and poems for you. You captured my heart the second I laid eyes on you. I ought to complain to Spotify for you not being named this week's hottest single.", he declared.

"That so cheesy. Things are complicated right. My ex boyfriend just showed up. I am not in the right mind space to start a new relationship."

"I love complicated. You have got to try me. I would rock your world."

"Again, so cheesy. I think we would be great friends. How about that?"

"Yeah, we can be friends. But I want you to know that I would not stop trying to win you over," he said while blowing me a kiss.

I blushed.

It is staggering how you think, you have a person all figured out and they surprise you in the most unexpected ways. Who would have thought Stripper boy was actually a decent guy, a law student as such. There are innumerable things I am yet to know about him and that is intriguing!

I dare not even introduce him to my family and make the mistake of telling them he was a stripper. They would go nuts. I can imagine the conversation between my father and I going something like this:

"you naughty girl. What has come over you. You want to date a stripper/ former stripper or whatever, he is still a stripper. You would be tarnishing the family name."

"But dad he is in law school. He was doing it on the side for gather enough funds for university. He is not from an affluent family like I am."

"Stop making excuses. Whatever his background is doesn't change the fact that he was a stripper. You better come to your senses. I would never approve of you being in a relationship with him."

The corners of my mouth moulded into a smile as I played the dramatic soap opera moment of dad meeting my suitor.

"Which hostel or hall do you reside?" I asked him.
"Splendor hall."
"That is where we also are. Hey, Ross, we seem to have a lot in common."

Together, the three of us treaded to the hall, but we were not prepared for what was to come next.

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