5| Really Truly Maybe

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"Meet my sister, Irene".

"Nice to meet you", I managed to say, relieved that it wasn't his GF.

My mind went into detective mode and I was trying to figure out what she was doing here. Despite her intimidating presence, she did look like fun, free- spirited with I don't give a fuck attitude. Maybe, we could be super close.

As if reading my mind, Irene begun quizing him about me right in my presence (while scanning me from head to toe) like it was some clue to a treasure hunt. If this is how over curious and overprotective she is of Ryan, then mother hen would be worse.

She pinches his cheeks, then leaves to join her friends at the table closest to the bar. They all looked expensive in their matching channel dresses and Dior handbags. Their faces elegantly caked with makeup and bodies adorned with gold bangles, glistening necklaces and earrings. One could tell that they were a clique of barbies or barbie wannabes.

Ready to escape the awkwardness, we quickly paid our bill and waved goodbye to Irene and her friends, then walked away like good children who had just been reprimanded. Like a perfect gentleman, he opened the car door for me. We sat in the car, feeling reluctant to go, and simply enjoying the present of our presence. But you know that feeling when you have been together with a person so long and the chemistry is off the roof. Serotonin, testosterone and oxytocin concoction at work!

It had been 4 hours of talking (Microseconds of dancing) and we still had so much to talk about. If we are not the perfect example of 90s Rom- com, then I don't know what is. Now, I am simply waiting for the over- the- top grand gesture to wisk us to the belly of happily- ever- after. For instance, his buying a billboard and slaying it with the message :"I love Alison" or completely covering my home with roses or being a Mark and buying me a new journal even though I complained about him in an old one. Really, truly, maybe, this relationship could work.

Staring into each other's eye. .. He leans in closer. He was so close to me that I could feel the cool rush of his breath on my lips. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as he moves his hand from my shoulder to my neck. There was this sense of anticipation, of pure tension as we built the courage to dip our toes into untested terrains.

I tilted my head to the right and felt my chin move up, inviting him in willingly. The kiss was thorough and unhurried. As we pull apart, he whispers, "It'll be regrettable if I miss the opportunity to be with you."

I know it seemed too early for a kiss, but you know, raging hormones, plus the desire for the giddy euphoria of dopamine. At least, there was no exchange of saliva. We were both so caught up the excitement of newness that we didn't mind moving too quickly.

I felt happy, content, pleased, thinking I have found my prince charming to save me from the non-existent evil witch. Multiply the joy that Rapunzel felt after being saved by 100, raised to the power twelve, then you can begin to grasp the depth of my joyous mood.

When I read my first fairytale, Cinderella, I knew that I had to live my own version, no matter how utopian it seemed. It became an obsession. The more and more I read fairytales, the more I dreamed improbable dreams creating my little fairytale. I hoped that one fairytale would come true in my life.

The sky was so dark with a brightly shining moon as yellow as corn in the sun, and we were merrily bobbing and bopping to the jam "walking on sunshine" on the way back. Really, we were walking on the sunshine of love like Belle and the Beast.

He dropped me off at the main entrance, wrapped his hands and pulled me closed. I held on to him tighter, then closed my eyes, knowing he would always be there. Pulling away was as difficult as grasping a shadow; when we finally did so, we decided to capture the moment in a photograph. Ryan holding his phone, cuddles up to me and we take the ultimate couple selfie akin to that of Lara Jean and Peter Kavinsky in 'To all the boys I loved before'.

By the time I got inside, it looked empty and deserted. Mum had left earlier in the day for a women's retreat that's organized yearly. Axle had also told me that he might spend the night at his friend's house. Thus, I was ready to roister in the solitude.

I felt like I took off my life problems when I ripped the my tight wrap dress off. Because I heard my mum's voice (subconsciously) telling me not to dump my clothes on the floor lying down like they were never going to be used again, I gingerly folded it and placed it in the laundry busket. My perfect makeup cemented by hours of watching makeup videos had to come off. And I slide myself into the mickey mouse pjs I adored and went to the kitchen to make a cup of hot tea (aka my secret addiction). If you have experienced the calming effect after drinking a warm, cup of tea before bedtime, then you get me.

As I begun pouring the water from the kettle, I heard moaning and groaning. It can not be that good? I mentally noted. So I stood there to get more details of the noises. If I am not mistaking, whoever they were, they are really getting their groove on. The voices sounded unmistakably familiar. In my usual curious self, I decided to take a peep (since, you know I am 100% sure that it is not mum or dad.)

Yes, I barged in only to see two bodies, half naked, sweating, moaning and doing deliciously dirty nasty nasty things.

It was my bother, Axel and Hailey.
"It is not what it looks like!", both exclaimed.

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