The First Meeting: Part 2 (7)

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(Salvatore POV)

We all stumbled backward from Aiden, who looked slightly taller and more muscular.

"What the hell is this?" he questioned, creating a small ember from his hands.

Galaxy cleared her throat, "That is bloodstone, a common gemstone that has been enchanted for this very purpose. You are this generation's embodiment of Aries." The room went silent for a minute, with a nervous chuckle from some.

"So, can I go next?" asked Leo, in a tentative tone.

"By all means." replied Galaxy, a little lazily.

Leo stopped near the middle, when he touched a pure matte black stone. A small burst of fire emanated around him as well. 

"I feel a lot stronger..." he said, with a new spark in his eyes. 

"The stone you touched in enchanted onyx, and a symbol that you represent Leo." said Galaxy.

"Leo, is that right." he said to himself.

"Well, then I want to go next." said Genevieve, walking quickly toward a random crystal.

Immediately after touching it, a powerful gust spun around her for a few seconds.

"That is enchanted agate, a symbol that you are this generation's Gemini."

"So who's next?" said Vitalia.

"I'll go." said Lily and Skyler simultaneously.

"You can go." said Skyler, while Lily stuttered for a second.

Lily reluctantly moved forward, and felt each of the gemstones until she touched what I thought was Peridot?

Another burst of wind flew around her, much more sustained than the last one.

"You seem to be under the sign Libra, symbolized by the enchanted peridot."

Skyler, who seemed nervous for the first time since I had met him, reached out and felt each stone, nearing the end, when he touched Aquamarine, I was sure this time. 

A roaring came from outside, and it was pouring. A little sweat lined Skyler's forehead, and a sphere of water surrounded him for a few seconds. Then Skyler walked away, a little bit shaken, toward Aiden and Cameron. 

I felt myself stiffen a little, and I walked forward, trying to be nonchalant about it.

I touched one near the end, which was topaz. A new energy coursed into my veins from the inside, as if though it had always been there. I felt stronger and a little taller. A wave of relaxation washed over me, and a small inferno formed around, as I focused, it got stronger. For experimentation, I tried to do it again, and felt as if though the inferno got a little larger. Everyone was watching intently, and glancing at each other. 

"Well done, you are the sign , from enchanted topaz."

I called Leo over to the side, who was trying to inconspicuously trying to test his powers. 

I began whispering to him about how crazy this all was. 

Vitalia went next, and her sign was Virgo, and came from a rock called carnelian.

She levitated large massive boulders that had come out of the ground, somehow, before releasing it, when it sank through the ground, as though it was never there, except for the marks on the ceiling it had made.

After her went Carol, who was a little too eager to me.

She got it in one try, and touched an emerald, and represented the sign Cancer.

A slightly more mixed water sphere began rotating around her, until it splashed onto the floor.

"Sorry?" said Carol, very nervous now.

She quickly headed into the rest of the people. 

Skyler gave Cameron a pat on the back, and Cameron nervously nudged himself to the front.

He touched a stone known commonly as a ruby, more specifically a blood ruby, which showed he was a Capricorn.

He had a couple of earthen spikes surround him, which disappeared quickly.

I was getting a little distracted and me and Leo were already tossing a small flame back and forth.

"Anyone, else, if you shall?" asked Galaxy, intently looking at the remaining 3 signs.

Trinity walked up, not nervous at all, and had most likely just been waiting to be called.

She touched all the few remaining stones, and got it on the last one, a blue sapphire, which caused another boulder to be created, and this time, stayed there, meaning that she was a Taurus, or The Taurus, if you want to call it that. 

Galaxy flicked it away, quite literally, before beckoning Archie forward.

He quickly touched the right one, and shook slightly as a small tornado spun around him.
He quickly ran back to his spot, while the others' except Penelope were disscusing why Aquarius had air powers instead of water, like his name suggested. I joined in, and Penelope came back, declaring that she was a Pisces.

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