Introduction (Virgo)

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Name: Vitalia MaidelGender: FemaleBirthday: Sept 4

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Name: Vitalia Maidel
Gender: Female
Birthday: Sept 4.
Height: 5'9
Powers: Earth manipulation, Teleportation(Only known places), Healing 

Description: Vitalia was always the one that did the work. From school to her house, she was always the one taken advantage of and taken for granted. Her expectations from her parents were incredibly high, as her parents were famous lawyers and were part of high society. She always got what she wanted, and cared for her friends. But truly, she just wishes she was appreciated more and simply just wanted or loved. However, she's built up a harder exterior from her past experiences and is a little paranoid from time to time.

A/N: Sorry for basically no updates yesterday, though I feel like I won't be able to keep up with daily updates forever, especially once I start writing the entire plot. I've already had a draft of the 1st two chapters, but had to scrap it because of the plot holes it would create. Also, this is a little repetitive, but you guys are awesome, we went from 100-200 views in about a day, and we haven't even started the story yet!

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