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Start from the beginning

rapp was wondering the same thing, not knowing why aaliyah had been so determined to finish before him. he shrugged it off, thinking it was a control issue, and walked towards aaliyah and stan's house to get something to drink. wilson watched him close the screen door behind him, and then she started to walk slowly towards her house. when she opened the door, she found rapp standing in the kitchen. he was downing a bottle of blue gatorade, but peered his eyes over to watch aaliyah enter the kitchen. she picked up her water bottle, that was sitting on the counter by mitch, and took quick sips as mitch detached the now emptied gatorade bottle from his lips. he thought he should say something, but realized it was best to keep his words to himself. he went to step out of the kitchen, but was stopped by aaliyah's voice. "are we gonna talk about it, or not?"

mitch froze, and slowly turned his body so he could look at wilson. she had rolled up the sleeves on her jacket, and had her hands on her hips in an authoritative way. she looked pissed. he subtly licked his lips before looking out the kitchen window, and then down at the ground. he couldn't look at her. "there's nothing to talk about."

"is that so?" she asks, getting more impatient with her tone.

"yeah." mitch whispered before looking up at wilson, staring straight into her hazel eyes.

"so you just want to forget everything?" she questions, feeling weak as she looked into his eyes. she felt so small compared to him. he had a good half-foot on her, and she practically had to tilt her head up to the ceiling to look at him.

"i think that would be best." he responds, knowing that he was lying to himself.

aaliyah blinked repeatedly, taken back by his words, before nodding her head. "okay then."

"you alright with that?" mitch quizzes, narrowing his eyes in a caring way.

"yeah." aaliyah's nodding became more noticeable. "i mean, what we did was unprofessional. and i care about this job. you should too."

those words were a punch to mitch's gut. he couldn't understand why that sentence stung so bad, considering he knew her words were correct. but the thought of her being able to brush everything off, when he's been fighting with his head for the past week, didn't sit right with him.

"hurley wants us at the obstacle course." victor calls out, peaking his head through the screen door and watching the two recruits stand so close with so much tension.

victor had been feeling frustrated this past week, especially with rapp. it seemed as though everything victor did made rapp lose control. but victor noticed a common trigger. aaliyah. he tested this trigger by mentioning her around him, and seeing rapp's jaw clench up at the sound of her name. victor thought it was pathetic, but he wanted to see how aaliyah was acting. this morning, he had decided to talk with her during their run when he realized that he had a slight advantage over the both of them. he knew about what happened. he heard their moans, from aaliyah's room, that night. he also saw the way mitch walked out of her room with intensity. victor didn't need to see what happened to know that someone fucked up bad, after they had sex. since rapp wasn't opening up to victor, he thought maybe he could get wilson to open up to him.

the three recruits traveled up a small hill, before seeing the large, intricate, obstacle course in front of them. each one of them have gone through it, more times than they could count, and were sure they could finish it with ease. hurley walked up to the recruits, and checked the time on his watch. 6:23 am. he shoved his hands into the pockets of his vest, and stood with a wide stance.

"obstacle time, kids. you're familiar with how it goes. run up the wall, climb the rope down, run to the net, climb your way up, hop down, get down on the ground, crawl under the barbed wire, then make your way back through until you end up at the wall again. when you get back, drop and give me 50 push-ups. no complaints. i was going to have you do the obstacle three times, but your run this morning took more time than planed. you only need to do the obstacle twice. now, get your asses out there!"

the recruits started to run towards the wall, gaining enough momentum and speed to reach the top and climb their way over. victor was short behind aaliyah, while mitch was in front of her. there were three ropes on the other side of the wall, waiting for a recruit to grab ahold of it and climb themselves down. mitch wasted no time, and dropped down when he was four feet off the ground, just so he could make the process easier and quicker for him. aaliyah copied his actions, and began to sprint after him towards the net. aaliyah jumped high in the air before attaching herself to the thick, rope, netting and climbing her way to the top. she knew she could get ahead of mitch during this part of the obstacle, which put a subtle smirk on her face. she climbed past him, using her feet to hook onto different holes in the netting and then push herself higher and higher on the net. mitch watched her climb past him, and let out out a scoff before picking up his speed. but speed wasn't going to help him with this challenge. he needed agility, which was something he lacked in compared to wilson. his foot fell through one of the holes on the net, and he cursed under his breath. he shook his foot, in attempt to free it from the net. it took him roughly under a minute to free his leg. by the time he was free, he saw wilson crawling underneath the barbed wire.

he eventually made his way to the top, right after victor passed him. he jumped down and sprinted towards the barbed wire, only to see that wilson had not made good progress in this challenge. she was only halfway through the wire, when mitch was sure she would be done by now. he realized he could have a chance at beating her, in this obstacle, as he dropped to his knees and began to crawl stealthily underneath the wire. he was careful to not cut himself on the razor sharp wiring. he took a quick glance at wilson as he passed her and he slammed a fist into the ground. she pushed through, trying to catch up to rapp, and eventually victor. but by the time she was done, rapp was already climbing over the netting and cleared the barbed wire as he made his way back to the beginning of the obstacle course. something over came her. it was fury. she got down once again, and let her fury consume her as she crawled underneath the barbed wire. she kept crawling, not caring about what could go wrong. all she cared about was getting to where mitch was. this motive soon came to a stop when she felt one of the barbed bits slice the back of her arm, creating a small gash in her jacket as well. she hissed at the pain and looked back to see that the skin started to bleed, but it was only a nick. she didn't need to worry about it too much. she took a second to control herself, and convince her brain that she didn't need to beat rapp. all she needed to do was train correctly. her cheat day was over. it was time to start taking things seriously. time to stop making things personal.

she breathed in, through her nose, for a few seconds before holding the air in her lungs, and then exhaling steadily. she used the control to help her crawl out from under the barbed wire safely. she was finally in the clear, and began to run towards the netting, that mitch was still struggling to get down off of. she used her advantage to get through the netting, but she didn't have the same motivation as before. she now thought of how satisfying it will be to finish the obstacle, whether she was in first place or not. she climbed past mitch, and gave him a quick look. his eyes fell upon her face before landing on the back of her arm. he noticed she had gotten cut by the wire.

"wilson, your arm." mitch mutters, staying in place on the netting.

she looks back, and notices more blood pouring from the wound that lived on the back of her arm. but she couldn't find herself to care about it. she shrugged, "i'll live."

"looks pretty bad." he rebuttals.

"rapp, seriously, i'm fine."

she jumped down from the netting, and began to run towards the ropes that would lead her to the other side of the wall. mitch stayed in his spot, trying to convince himself to not care about aaliyah's wound. he realized he couldn't just forget about everything. not the same way aaliyah could.

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