Chapter 12 - Samantha

Start from the beginning

I close my eyes for a second then smile at him, "I'll make sure she attends." I say, his face visibly lits up, he's smiling the widest I've ever seen him. He really seems to like her.

I nod and walk to my office, I need to update the guest list.

Alice Maclean.
5'6, Blue eyes, golden hairs, only daughter of Viscount Maclean and Viscountess Maclean, only sister of Brian and Skylar Maclean. The eye of the family.

Also the one who kills me.

Yeah, wow.

I sigh and lean back on my chair, why does Jasper not like her?

I pull out my phone, Jasper is probably asleep. New York is five hours behind Scelus.

Me: Call me when you wake up, I need to talk something important. 9:24.

I put my phone down, whom should I ask?

Someone knocks on the door, I ask for them to walk in. Justin walks in with two cups of coffee.

"Hey." I stand and take the cup he offers me. He sits from across me.

"I hope my little brother didn't give you much trouble." He sips on his drink.

I sip my own, "Not at all." I say, he nods looking at the papers on my desk.

"I thought of how you could repay my favor." He says. I chew on the marshmallows and wait for him to continue. "Go clubbing with me tonight." He says and I almost choke on my drink.

I chuckle, "That was a good one. Almost had me." I say setting my cup down.

"It wasn't a joke. I'm serious."

"Then you must also be crazy Justin." I stand and shuffle my papers feeling his idea totally insane. "Carla won't allow it, and I've never been to a club." I say.

He grabs my hands and makes me stop, I look at him. "Maybe it's time to get a little rebellious." He says, I feel that spark of excitement. "You're the Queen, come on." He pleads with his eyes. "I swear it will be muy divertido." Very fun. He says.

I think for a minute, the bad side wins and I say yes. He quicky grins.

"Then meet me at the west side gate after dinner. Don't stand me up." He says before exiting. I flop back on the chair.

Well I deserve some fun.

My phone vibrates on the desk, I pull my eyes from my laptop screen to the mobile.

Jasper is calling.

"Hello. How are you?" I ask relaxing my back.

"Could have been better." He groans, it's probably the jet lag and tiredness.

"You should rest more then." I bite my nails.

"I wish, but the event is tonight and I need to prepare."

"And your catching a flight after that? Won't you be exhausted?" I say concerned.

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