17 | Party Nyx: Unlocked?

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          NYX AND LOKI were told to clean themselves up for the party and meet their babysitter which would be Thor, outside their rooms when they were ready. Their rooms had to be right next to each other for multiple reasons, one because they were troublemakers and another being the silly spell.

Despite feeling a little annoyed that she had to attend a party she didn't want to for a guy she didn't like, she still begrudgingly stormed into her room to get ready. The new room the avengers gave her was bare and primarily consisted of the bare necessities, but at least it was a step up from her bland prison cell!

I mean, Nyx had her very own bathroom and a bed - and a chair! Nyx had a wardrobe! With clothes!

She hadn't had a proper look into her wardrobe, but hoped they would have some formal ware. Or at least, something nice in it. Upon opening the dresser, her face dropped when she was proven right - again. The contents of the wardrobe, as listed below:

- two plain t-shirts, one black and one white (how ugly)

- black cargo pants, with belt. This one came in multiple sizes, with two pairs of one size each. The sizes ranged from size 6 to size 12.

-black combat boots, seemingly her size. Black heels, also seemingly her size. (someone must have checked her shoe size, right?)

-some socks and... other stuff. (did someone check her bra size while she was out?)

-a plain black dress (kind of boring but it will do)

-a towel and a robe (they were fluffy and pink!)

Nyx sighed and grabbed the black dress and the towel and made her way to what she hoped was the shower and quickly spent 5 minutes 'getting ready' before busting out the door, hitting Thor on the way out accidentally.

'Oh creator, sorry Thor!' Nyx apologised, holding two fingers behind her back. Of course, Nyx has intentionally hit the God - mainly because he was forcing her and Loki to this party and Nyx didn't think her anxiety could really handle so many strangers at once.

Nyx's anxiety was usually tame, being overshadowed by her forced extroverted personality and her hidden skill of not thinking before she speaks. It usually rears its ugly head when large bodies of people are presented, gifting Nyx shaky hands, a stutter, a racing heart and (what she calls) the anxiety sweats. All of which she would be facing tonight, so sue her for wanting to give the guy forcing her attendance a bit of a whack.

Loki was obviously taking his sweet time getting ready, not that Nyx minded considering she needed to get her anxiousness under control. Tapping her foot erratically, she glanced at Thor as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed and quickly tried to mirror his pose.

Her movement caught the God's attention, opening his eyes and gazing at the girl with a small smile on his face as he took in her movement.

'Are you excited?' Thor asked, mistaking Nyx's tapping foot for eagerness. Nyx felt like vomiting.

Nyx wanted to die a little bit but gave him a nervous smile to compensate for her negative emotions, 'you could say that,' she answered vaguely, being saved from further conversation thanks to Loki's grand appearance.

The trickster's door opened, the god in question letting out a huff as he all but stomped out of his room, 'are we going or not?' he said impatiently, as if he weren't the one they were waiting on.

Loki looked... good. He was wearing black dress pants and a tucked in black dress shirt; the shirt having gold accents that upon closer inspection, were Asgardian folk-tale symbols. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and Nyx swallowed roughly as her eyes raked over him, noting that his hair looked soft and was falling a little over his face. She felt rather plain as she saw him and bit her lip softly before registering his words.

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