4 | Jailbird Bonding

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                IT HAD BEEN a week since Loki's outburst. Nyx, in all her mercy (not to mention the slight grudge) decided to give him the cold shoulder. Her silent protest meant nothing, because Loki was actually loving the silence – if you ignore the fellow prisoners down the hall. The only thing he was bothered by was her looking at him and occasionally scribbling down notes in her book. Glancing over at her, he almost wanted her to speak as he watched her lay spread-eagle on the white floor, her hair becoming messier by the day.

As Nyx laid sprawled on the floor, she tried to think of some clever scheme to escape while also not become a wanted criminal. She thought Loki was hot and funny and had never met anyone like him, even though he was a little rude. It looked like his hair needed a wash, too. She could wash it for him. Rolling onto her stomach, she re-read what she knew about the reality so far:

- Odin rulez (vomit, he's an ugly loser)

- Loki <3 is also an asshole but a cool one

- Frigga is still gorjus- goergus- pretty. shes pretty. 

- No female guards???

- Thor is a jock brother and is away doing god stuff, probably

- Humanoid (allegedly)


Loki's ass was NOT talking to her, which is a bummer and is massively bumming her out. Nyx wanted to explore and know more about this world, to learn the customs and way of life! She wanted to learn the rules and then break them! She wanted to learn languages and know what everyone wanted! Oh creator, she just wanted to know!

Turning onto her stomach, she rested her head onto her now crossed arms and just... stared at Loki. It was making him uncomfortable, if he was honest. Nyx could almost hear the imaginary (or was that real?) clock ticking away, counting down the seconds until she went mad. She couldn't do this anymore.

'Okay, I can't do it!' she burst, loudly gasping for air and acting like she had been holding her breath, 'I can't do this anymore!' she exclaimed, jumping to her feet only to dramatically fall to her knees clutching her chest. The guards for some odd reason had thought she must have been trying to off herself, because they straightened up took a step closer to the forcefield, eyes locked onto her.

Loki rolled his eyes in semi-amusement at her antics, sighing into his book as he knew his short lived quiet was coming to a depressing end. For him. The God was laying in his bed, the book he once held above his head now covering his face.

'Can it not last 5 more minutes?' Loki muttered to himself, placing the book down and rolling over so he faced away from Nyx. He heard snickering from the guards, forcing him to turn and shoot them a sharp glare. They shut up.

'No, it cannot,' she chirped, rising from her position and walking to the forcefield separating the two and plopped down in front of it, 'you have something I want, gimme.'

'What? No.' Loki finally spoke, flabbergasted and unsure what she was even talking about. His sat up and stared at her with an incredulous look on his face, his hair messy from laying down.

'Yuh uh. I want information. Gimme.' She replied in a stubborn voice, a slight smirk taking over her face as she looked him in the eyes. Spinning around, she got up and approached the guards who were still staring at her suspiciously, 'I notice there is hardly any female prisoners or guards around, do you think them inferior to men? Are they just 'pretty faces' to this society? Tell me the truth,' she leaned into the forcefield and put on a demonic voice, 'I. Will. Know.'

The guard on the left flinched, 'that's purely a coincidence'.

'Women are highly respected in Asgard, but Lady Sif is the only female warrior, besides Loki sometimes.' Right guard chimes in, tilting his head to the side in thought. Nyx nodded and thanked them, whipping out her book and added those to her small list of notes, 'I thought there was an elite taskforce of female warriors?' she pressed, wanting to see what they would tell her.

Another Asgard she had visited had the Valkyrie, led by Queen Hela and together, they conquered entire civilisations brutally, drowning them in blood and demanding yearly sacrifices. The Valkyrie adored Queen Hela, vowing their loyalty to the Goddess of Death after she had overthrown Odin and promised the legions of Asgard that they would rule the cosmos. They did indeed rule them, and there were no one that could stop them in the entire cosmos that could.

So, they weren't too welcoming to a stray in their near-perfect world. A non-conforming, chatterbox with a lot of opinions and ideologies to spread is surely not someone they would want in their world. Nyx had lasted at least a year and a half before she was almost captured and had to jump.

'The Valkyrie all died gruesome deaths.' came Loki's disinterest voice from his cell. He was now laying casually against the wall, now watching her interact with the guards with only a slight bit of curiosity. After all, it wasn't everyday after all that they had a visitor from a different reality. Nyx took this small portion of speech from Loki as an absolute win, reminding herself that no victory was too small.

Clasping her hands together, she practically skipped towards his side of the field, 'Loki!' she grinned widely, 'That's so terrible! Tell me more.' she demanded, her happy tone betraying her words as she dropped in front of the forcefield and crossed her legs like a child.

He rolled his eyes in feigned annoyance, 'Odin had those events locked away from prying eyes.' he told her, moving to sit up. This was true - most of Asgards history was hidden from the everyone, many history books pre-benevolent god Odin destroyed and covered up.

'It was rumoured Odin purposefully sent them to their deaths to hold back an enemy capable of destroying Asgard and the Nine Realms. The Valkyrie didn't stand a chance.' Loki continued the story dramatically, feeling empowered at her glee at a simple children's tale. He relished in her reactions, the over-the-top shocked gasp when he revealed Odin at sent them to die - the way she said 'the bastard!' so scandalised, like she was listening to some juicy gossip and not the violent genocide of a legion.

Loki had let a small, genuine smile grace his face before he cleared his throat and went back to his usual cold demeanour. Nyx noticed his change in posture and nodded, 'Okay, that's enough fun for the both of us today. But I gotta admit, I am kind of bored just sitting in this cell waiting for my meals of grey goo.' she complained, falling onto her back in boredom.

She motioned with her finger for Loki to stepped forward, 'watch this,' she whispered to him, his eyes widening as he sees a portal form at her feet and her literally fall into the ground. Her head popped back up, her smug grin stretching across her face, 'I'll be back.' She said in a deep voice, her head ducking under and the portal disappearing.

Loki straight up panicked, eyes darting to the guards and quickly casting an illusion to make it appear as if she were sitting against the wall with her eyes closed, seemingly asleep. 

[28/03/2021] - not edited

[15/11/2023] - rewritten, semi edited. :)

The Reality Jumper | MARVEL and CoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon