6 | Torture of a Deviant

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              NYX AND LOKI had continued on their week as normal; with Nyx chattering away and Loki sometimes answering. In her notebook, she's written a list of places she wants to take Loki and has put feelers out for his opinion on the topic.

No one had noticed their almost two-hour disappearance the week prior. They had not even questioned the random appearance of an empty cheese platter plate they had found in her cell when they had gone to escort her back to Odin for a little chat. Loki hadn't looked up from his book as they tackled Nyx to the ground, knowing she was smirking after she had made a guard do a cartoon fall when she had tripped him over in their struggle. Despite not showing it, anxiety was eating at her. She knew what he was capable of and knew she wasn't in his good graces after her first meeting with him.

Speaking of that old-ass man, which sets the current scene - a smirking Nyx in chains and an irritated Odin sitting on this mighty throne. At the base of the steps stood Queen Frigga, who was now walking up the stairs to sit next to her husband. She sent a wink to Queen Frigga, who raised an eyebrow in response to her gesture, being reminded of a certain trickster.

The Queen, who now sat next to Odin, began to reminisce to herself on her latest talks with her son, being well aware of their little outing. She was quite pleased with Loki's subtle attitude changes, now being well aware of the person who brought them about. Despite her being rude to Odin, she knew that the prisoner in front of her would change her son for the better - however gradual that may be.

'Listen, Odin. I find it sweet that you wish to check on me,' she began, her tone giving away that she was just messing with him, 'don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't love it,' she defended, seeing his face start to go red with anger. She held her hands up to him, trying not to smirk as the chains restricted her from holding them completely up in false defence.

 'It's just that... they're so awful., she told him, scrunching up her face as she made a 'so-so' gesture with her hand.

Feeling another similarity between Nyx and Loki, Queen Frigga couldn't help but let out a small smile. She quickly covered her mouth to hide it as she spotted that her husband did not share the same sentiment.

'Enough!' he roared, slamming his staff onto the ground. Not expecting him to lose his temper so quickly, she took an involuntary step back at the sound, a surprised look on her face. She had hit the chest of one of the guards that escorted her, frowning as he shoved her forward which caused her to trip lightly.

'Rude, you know it was an accident,' she muttered to him. Nyx scoffed and sent him a look, straightening herself up and smoothing her clothes out as she stood up tall and looked at Odin in defiance.

'I will not be disrespected in my courtroom again!' he rages, his eyes set ablaze as he sends a scorching look at Nyx. She simply blows him a kiss, doing a little wave as he screams at her.

Nyx smirks again as she observes the big blonde man's look of pure shock, labelling him as Thor - mainly because he looked like the other Thor's she had met (plus the fact he was stood next to Frigga and Odin as they sat on thrones), before making the poor decision to continue to antagonise the All father.

She fake-yawned, 'yeah, ok whatever,' she dismisses, 'and I will not tolerate an old-ass man being a condescending prick, who thinks a fantastic method at crime prevention and rehabilitation is death and tyranny, talking down to me,' she told him, sending him yet another smirk. Thor was gobsmacked, no one had ever talked to his father that way - besides Loki, but Loki's attacks were never about Odin's character but more so to his terrible parenting ability when it came to the trickster. It was almost refreshing.

'Put her in isolation,' Odin ordered, pointing his staff at Nyx, 'Do not bother with silencing the walls. I want all of Asgard to hear what happens when you insult the King.'

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