7 | Fear, Love and Hatred

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                         TWO WEEKS HAD passed in Nyx's absence. The women's screaming and agony filled sobbing were now etched into the walls of the dungeon, all occupants feeling for her in their own way. Her screams were burned into Loki's mind, and he desperately wished to never hear it again. The only thing that gave him hope that she would be okay was the occasional mean comment to Odin - which, unfortunately was followed by the King declaring that the torture be extended.

Nyx would scream until she couldn't scream anymore. She would cry, beg for Loki, beg to be killed. Odin was creative and never ran out of ideas, relishing in her pain. Each day he would bring in a fresh set of methods and would leave her disfigured. Her finger and toe nails were gone. Odin would get her to be healed so he can do it all again the next day.

Nyx had single handedly extended her torture from three days to two weeks, with the only breaks she would get was when the Allfather would return to his chambers to sleep and to eat. During those times, she would (very badly) sing 'I Fought the Law and the Law Won' until a guard couldn't stand it anymore and punch the door in frustration.

Nyx didn't really have an experience with torture. Despite being around for 844 years, she had only been caught three times. The times she was captured, she was experimented on - mainly because the realities she jumped to didn't have magic or 'aliens' that they knew of, so when they saw her they immediately jumped her before she could escape. She escaped when they let her have a shower, jumping through a wormhole and appearing in the next reality, taking an extra long vacation to heal.

Needless to say she did not handle torture or pain well.

When Odin was finally finished with her, she had to be carried by to her cell as she was not being able to walk due to her injuries. They held her up by her biceps, faces scrunching up in disgust as they felt her blood drip on their hands. It was uncomfortable for everyone, some more than others. 

As they went down the hall, the rest of the prisoners fell silent - staring at the girl who was punished by Odin himself. She half-heartedly waved at them the best she could, her bandaged hand moving limply in a pathetic excuse of a wave.

'Well, don't I feel like a celebrity?' she commented under her breath, wheezing weakly at her own joke. The guards simply shared an annoyed look with each other, finding the girl extremely irritating. The nice guards had been swapped out with these assholes, who did not cut her any slack.

The familiar sight of her bare, white cell brought her some sort of comfort as she was thrown in, her cloak hood flipping onto her head as she hit the floor with a slap. She brushed the cloak off of her head in annoyance, growling lowly. The guard flicked their hands at her, smirking at the specks of blood splattered on the back of her cloak.

Loki, already hearing them coming, tried to appear nonchalant as she was put back in herself, his eyebrows furrowing as he observed the bandages that covered her feet and hands. The cloak she was wearing consumed her body, only crumpling up just enough for him to see her injured feet and hands. The God found it bittersweet that the cloak she was wearing was a deep, emerald green - his colour. He didn't want to see her in his colour like this.

'You know,' she groaned in pain, turning herself onto her back, 'after days of torture you'd think you guys would treat me with a little more care.'

'What happened to the first pair? They seemed to treat you with care,' Loki spoke coldly, his body stiff as he stared down at the guards. His fists clenched as he tried to take deep breaths and calm himself. Loki was beyond anger as he burned holes into the guards.

The guards sent her a look of disgust, one shrugging whereas the other simply spat at Nyx. The forcefield closing being them as they left the dungeon, laughing. Loki's eyes never strayed from their backs as they exited. He memorised their faces, knowing that when he got out of there they would be the first people he would visit.

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