10 | Reality-1048

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             SAYING THAT NYX walked through the portal with ease would be a lie you say when you don't want to embarrass someone

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             SAYING THAT NYX walked through the portal with ease would be a lie you say when you don't want to embarrass someone. Truthfully, Nyx fell through the portal, falling against a nearby wall with an 'oof!'.

The first thing she felt was the cool evening air, the light from the bustling city below illuminating the roof she found herself on. It was nighttime but from her position on the roof and her view from the city below, one could easily be fooled into thinking it was still daytime. It looked like a city that never sleeps.

Raising her eyes from the floor, she let out an extremely wide, fake smile at the figure staring at her in shock. The man staring at her had brown hair and light brown eyes, his body being covered in a red suit with blue and white accents. On his chest was the image of a white spider, his defined abs shining through the spandex.

Letting out a whistle, Nyx's eyes trailed up the figure slowly. The stranger seemed to snap out of the trance he was, stumbling to shove his mask back over his face before getting into a defensive stance.

'Who are you?' he demanded, his mask-eye things narrowing angrily at her. Nyx from her place against the wall, raised a single hand in defence and smiling when the costumed dude seemed to soften as he finally noticed she was visibly injured. Her other hand was wrapped around her stomach under her cloak, turning her head slightly to hide the bruises that covered her face.

'If you're worried about your identity, don't be,' she groaned out, pain coating her features, 'I have no idea who you are,' she clarified, letting out a small breath as he ever-so-slowly went back to standing casually.

The man placed his hands on his hips, 'well, that doesn't answer the question of who you are,' he pointed out, 'and why you're barely standing.'

'That's a long story,' she told him with a grimace, 'kind of,' she smiled, scratching the side of her face, 'Oh, I'm Nyx. I used to go by Hermes too but you don't have to worry about that these days,' she joked tiredly, earning a head tilt from the other man.

'I've got time,' the man said, crossing his arms as he leaned against the wall next to Nyx.

She gave him a small smile, pulling her cloak tighter around her as a breeze caused a shiver to shoot down her spine, 'well mystery man, I'm not from this reality, as you probably saw from me walking through my amazing portal,' she told him, watching the way his mask moved in surprise, 'and I just came from a reality where the king of that society tortured me for calling him a tyrant... among other things.'

His 'eyes' widened, straightening up slightly as she told him. Normally, he wouldn't believe some random women claiming to be from a different reality, but today he was feeling particularly compelled to listen. She seemed sane enough, probably.

'That's some story,' he breathed, eyeing her pale face and narrowing his eyes, 'so, I'm guessing I don't exist in that one?' he asked Nyx with a raised eyebrow.

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