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IT HAD BEEN nearly a week since Nyx was returned to her cell and Loki seemed to have made it his personal mission to ignore her very existence, which wasn't thrilling on Nyx's part considering all she has been through to stay with him. The sudden change in behaviour was hurtful, especially since she had done nothing wrong (besides her normal grievances) for him to switch up and suddenly give her the cold shoulder. The past four weeks were ones in which she needed someone the most, thinking they had made progress together and he cared about her in some capacity.

Loki knew in the back of his mind that he was being an idiot, especially after Nyx had opened up to him and revealed something about herself. He kept telling himself that she was foolish for trusting him, that he would use that short moment of weakness to tear her apart shall the occasion call for it. He couldn't trust her, especially when he didn't really know what she was or who. Someone, like Odin, could have sent her to spy on him, learn his weaknesses so he could be tortured. Loki had been foolish, thinking he could trust her. He had been blind to the possibilities.

Nyx felt restless again. She wasn't used to being locked up for so long, usually either losing interest in the reality or she'd break out of the prison and explore. Breaking out would be a good option (it wouldn't be hard) but then she would be hunted which is not something she really enjoys partaking in. However, she was still injured from when Odin took his frustrations out on her and now her mental state was suffering because of Loki's cold shoulder. Nyx needed someone to take her concentration off the blinding pain she was feeling, to keep her grounded when her mind trapped her in her in a prison of her own creation. While yes, her healing was accelerated not only from the Queen being merciful enough to order healers for her but also from her own self, she was healing quicker than most and would most likely be completely healed in a month, the physical damage had damaged her mentally. Nyx had never endured torture of that intensity for that long.

The reason for her staying in this reality was Loki, it always had been. An attractive, mysterious man she had only heard about in myth appearing right in front of her? It was something she couldn't resist.  On the downside, Nyx was trapped here if she wanted to stay with him, the want lessening by the days continued as he kept up his silent treatment. Plus, watching his treatment in comparison to her, Loki was treated like royalty. Which, well, he was to be fair - but Nyx was more so frustrated towards the fact that he had committed actual crimes and was treated wonderfully, having a comfortable bed, books, and was fed many exotic fruits and foods, whereas she accidentally trespassed and was tortured and shoved in a tiny cell with nothing. To Loki's credit, he had kept his word and she had now been upgraded from grey goo to breads and cheese. On Thursdays she would get mystery meat. Mystery meat was a little good but mostly just made Nyx question its origins.

That treatment was fair enough, she was a regular prisoner that tried to break out one of... the worst prisoners? However, the torture was a bit of an overkill on Odin's part.

'Loki,' Nyx called as she sat crossed legged in front of the yellow field, 'why are you ignoring me?' she questioned, frowning at the God. Their lunch had just come in and Nyx wasted no time in digging in as she sat casually awaiting his answer. They even gave her some garlic butter today, how delightful.

The God in question was laying in his bed lazily, his back turned on the foreigner. He had been stubbornly ignoring her, only acknowledging her when she got especially annoying and restless. He ignored his food for now, having no appetite.

'Loki, Loki, Loki, Loki, Loki-' she droned on with a monotone voice, startling slightly when said-God interrupted her harshly.

The God, sat up abruptly on his bed, sending a seething glare to Nyx, 'enough! You will cease your mindless chatter or else I will cut off your tongue!' he growled, accidentally using his magic to knock over nearby objects in his rage. Nyx flinched away, causing Loki's eyes to soften.

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