But the Queen continued on as if nothing was amiss. "I am taking you back to my rooms, where my personal servants shall attend to you. Under my supervision of course, can't have you drowning in the bath." She sent me another disgusted look, "I can't believe I agreed to this. True love, Hah! Like my son would ever fall for someone like you. I taught him better." We stopped in front of an ornately carved door, no less grand than Trans room. Her door was carved with a poison ivy vine, and a flower in the middle. 

The sight gave me a shiver down my spine, I could all too well imagine the flower being crushed by the ivy as it searched more sunlight, more energy and power. 

I could also very well imagine myself as the flower. 

"Watch your step girl." The Queen hissed, before pushing open the doors and stepping into the room. I shivered, but followed her. Her room was nothing short of extravagant, something I should expect at this point. Like the Queen, her room spared no expense.

From the glittering jars of perfume on the redwood vanity, to the huge feather mattress bed on the other side of the room, I could see how the kingdoms treasury was faring under her rule with one look. "These carpets are made of the finest wool in all the kingdom, imported all the way from the mountains." She continued, strolling into the room to be welcomed by her nervous maids who were awaiting orders. 

I follow timidly, hoping my lake water soaked dress wouldn't ruin the carpet. I don't want to be here any longer than I have too. The maids stir slightly at my approach, but keep their attention on the Queen, determining her needs to be more important than mine.

"Take my," The Queen grimaces at her next words, "Future daughter in law, and wash her off. Then find her something dry to wear." She waves off three of the women in the mob, and the others rush to pamper her. In minutes she has been surrounded by dainty danishes, and only the sweetest nectar from the flowers in the garden.

In the meantime, I'm pulled off into the bathroom where a full bath awaits. Rose petals dot the surface, and I look at the water with both anticipation and trepidation. I couldn't drown in a bathtub could I? I wasn't that incompetent. 

When the maids start pulling at my dress, I snap out of it. Of course I won't drown in a bathtub. I'm fine. I send them out, ignoring their protests, saying I can bathe myself, contrary to both their, and the Queens thoughts. The Queens bathroom, much like her room, is bigger than mine by far. Also unlike mine, shes decorated it to her tastes. The tiles of the room are a light pink, and the mirror is studded around the edges with priceless jewels the size of large pebbles. 

The tub is ivory colored, and the water is scented with an obnoxious perfume that now that I think about it, always seems to surround the Queen in a thick mist. "Are you done in there!?" Demands the Queens voice from the other room. I wince, and slide in the bath hesitantly. At the very least I can wash off the lake water and get out before too much of the smell seeps into my skin. Hopefully I'll be able to take another bath later and scrub the perfume out of my skin as well. The smell alone was already irritating me. 

 In a few mere minutes, I'm done, I wrap a fluffy towel around myself, and am preparing to step into the room when one of the servants from earlier pokes her head into the bathroom, her face relaxing when she sees I'm out. She gestures towards her quickly, "Hurry, she's getting impatient," she whispers. I hurry towards the screen and stepping out into the cold room. 

The Queen looks up from talking with a male servant holding up two ribbons, one green and the other a deep blue. Her face is set in a deep frown, but she waves away the servant when I get close. He passes by me, frowning as well. And as he passes, I can feel a slip of power coming from him along with the scent of raw meat. Strange.

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