"Holy shit" I say looking at her leg as Clarke ties it up to slow the bleeding.

"Note to self, save the girl." Monty says and we all laugh off whatever the hell just happened.

It was starting to get dark so we set up camp and went to bed. By camp I mean like 4 sleeping bags on the forest floor. Not fun. I saw Clarke and Finn together... wonder what's going to happen with them.


"Let's just make a rope?" I announce to the group.

They were all still half awake but I had been up exploring the trees since what I think was 7am. We had to learn to read the sun in Pike's class. I was never really good at it. Murphy was.

"A...rope? With what?" Finn, barely awake, mumbles.

"Vines. I saw some on the way here." Monty informs. He didn't think to mention this yesterday?

"Yes! Great so Monty, Jasper and Avery you can get them, I'll check on Octavia. Maybe re-bandage her if that's okay?" She looks for reassurance from Octavia. I see the slightest nod from Octavia. She was one stubborn girl.

Bellamy was worse.

"Let's go Kane." Jasper pulls me and we start walking amongst the trees.

"Did you ever get to talk to Bellamy?" Monty starts a conversation and Jasper smirks into his shoulder.

"No. You heard me before. I will not be speaking with him. Ever." I reply.

"Bellamy's hot." Jasper blurts out.

"What the actual fuck Jasper." I snap my head and he purses his lips in embarrassment.

"I mean. He's attractive. For a man."

"I would have to agree Aves. He a good looking dude." Monty nods along. "I think you should forgive him.

"You've got to be kidding. Just because he's one of the best looking men I've seen in my life-"

"Hey!" Jasper interrupts. Monty gives him the side eye. "Yeah okay sure go on."

"Doesn't mean I need to forgive him. Okay?" I continue. "Now how much further."

"We've been walking for 5 minutes."

"Yeah so how much longer Monty." I was angry at this point. Angry with the fact that I can't even bring myself to look at Bellamy.

"We're here!" I stop and look up to see some beautiful long vines.

We begin pulling them down one by one.

"You guys know there used to be an application on your cellular device that was called vine?" Monty must hate silence because he constantly sparks conversations. Even when we were on the ark he would always ask me how I was doing.

"Did you just call Vine and application?" I ask.

"Did you just call a phone a cellular device?" Jasper asks as we laugh together.

"Oh, right. Forgot you guys were obsessed with movies. Losers."

"Oh listen Avery. I think the guy who calls phones cellular devices is calling us losers!" Jasper jokes.

This is How it Ends x Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now