Character Snippet: Nakano Naomi

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Nakano Naomi

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Birthday: 23 April

Naomi is a very independent woman, passionate, headstrong and oftentimes stubborn

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Naomi is a very independent woman, passionate, headstrong and oftentimes stubborn. She is the strong one in the group, one of the best fighters among the group. She's confident, outspoken about her thoughts and she can be brutally honest. Her dark side comes out as being prone to anger and can be violent at times, spiteful, cold and rude to people she doesn't like. She does not hide her displeasure or hatred for someone. However, she does have a sweet side, especially to those she cares about. It may show itself in a form of rough housing and affection. Her eyes are dyed, however she was born with sectoral heterochromia, a rare condition where her eyes are split between two colours. Hers is a rarer case with her eyes split perfectly horizontally in half, blue at the bottom and pink at the top. Her favorite colours are purple and she enjoys sparring as well as an adrenaline junkie. She also enjoys sports like dodgeball and volleyball. She also has scars all over her body, including circular scars on her stomach and deep lashes on her back. It took a while for her to feel comfortable in her own skin after that.

She's part of the main team that started the Quirkless Revolution, side by side with Izuku and Sakura. She lives in the same area as Sakura, oftentimes visiting the bakery to hang out in the day. She's not very good at baking so she helps by serving others or taking orders while Sakura bakes and make coffee. Most of the time she helps the quirkless people learn self defense.

She self teaches herself multiple forms of self defense including Mixed Martial Arts, boxing, judo, karate and many more. She may not move like a professional martial artist, but she is a self taught master. She also learned how to fight with multiple weapons including a bo staff, whip and batons.

Growing up quirkless was hard for her, especially since she was born a girl. She was the only child and a miracle baby due to the fact that her parents had a hard time getting pregnant, a history of miscarriages and failed pregnancy. Her parents were not the best, expecting a daughter who could inherit their quirks. When it was found out that she was quirkless, her parents started treating her differently.

Her mother became stern and constantly keeping her at their own house, locking her in and not allowing her to leave the house at all other than school- where she would be bullied. Being a girl, her mother started grooming her to become the "perfect wife" for her future husband as a way to "give Naomi a purpose". She taught Naomi how the be a proper wife, including how to eat, walk, talk and more. She was forced to keep her hair long, her appearance was scrutinized and she was criticized heavily for her appearance. Her mother constantly reminded how "lucky" she was to be blessed with a perfect face and beautiful eyes. Her pink eyes were something she inherited from her mother, her blue eyes are from her father. She was forced to do all the chores and expected to help with the cooking. If she made a mistake, she would be severely punished. She was forced to keep her hair long and even went through treatment to "turn her into the perfect woman" by her parents, including giving her hormones when she was 12.

Her father was emotionally distant and hated her for being quirkless, accusing her of being the cause for all of his problems. High expectations were given to her, treated as the maid of the house. He arranged meetings with multiple men in order to marry her off by the time she was 15. However, he had a hard time finding suitors due to her quirklessness, which only increased his hostility. All that hostility increased until he began physically abusing her, leaving scars all over her body.

During the fight at Kamino, her mother died in the fight. Her mother's death increased her father's hostility and he began taking bad habits- drinking and smoking- as well as taking his frustrations out on her.

Soon after that, her father died in the fight between Shigaraki and the Paranormal Liberation Front, leaving her all alone and the sole inheritor to what little riches her parents had.

She avoided the foster system due to her being 17, close to legal age. No one really cared what happens to a quirkless girl. She continued school and started finding jobs to pay, which led her to the back alleys and crime. She got into a lot of fights initially, due to villains seeing her as weak and an easy target. She started training herself with burning determination and spite.

It's around this time she met with Sakura and Izuku, then the rest is history. She hung around with the group, finally finding people who understood her and not look down on her for being quirkless. She also loves sparring with Izuku and Sakura, learning how to fight better and get stronger at the same time. She's very close to Sakura, due to the fact that she has a crush on the other woman. (That was a sexual awakening that Izuku took great pleasure watching).

Due to her abuse, she was insecure about her worth and trying her best to break free from her conditioning and growing into her own personality. She's insecure about her body and her appearance, despite cutting and dyeing her hair to distance herself from her past. She admires others who know who they are and how confident they are about themselves. She's still growing and learning about herself, happy that she has friends with her that support and understand her. 

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