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With the current situation and all the stress and anxiety it brings, we have to urge you to read this note.
This story is not a happy one.
If you're not doing well right now, please don't read it.
We usually have a line that we don't cross. We went well beyond it with this fic. We tortured our characters and made them suffer.
It also deals with themes that relate to the current situation of the world.
So.. reader discretion is advised. If you think you can handle it? Go right ahead. But please stop if it gets too much. Your mental health and wellbeing are important.

Here's the original summary. AO3 thought it was too long:

Hope. Justice. Peace.
It's a dream everyone wants. A goal they try to achieve.
But like all dreams, there are some who just aren't able to grasp it.
They would look up at the sky, at the stars, and wish for their dream to come true. They wish with all their heart for a better future. A better life.
But the harsh reality is, that won't ever happen.
You see, some people are not born equal.
Everyone has a different starting point.
And at the same time
Everyone has a breaking point.
So what happens when you reach that breaking point?
Where you, your friends, your family's and many people's lives are on the line.
When you're helpless against the oppression and the onslaught that are pressed against you.
When you're pushed into the corner.
When death is staring at you in the eyes.
What will you do?
'Even a worm will turn.' It is a proverb to display the concept that even the meekest person will fight back against an oppressive force.
So when your back is against the wall.
When you are the worm being attacked for what you are.
What will you do?
In the end, even a worm will turn.
And a revolution will rise.
To fight back.
The question is;
When your very existence is on the line, will you lie down and die? Or will you sharpen your teeth and fight back?

In the end, the choice is up to you. Your life is in your hands.
Why let others decide your fate?
It's time to take your life back.
It's time to fight back.
"Lets bring the revolution shall we?" Izuku grins with head held high.
Let's bring the house down on them.
Even a worm will turn.
And where there is oppression, there will always be revolution.

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