Part 9: Diamonds in the Rough

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After getting patched up by Sakura, Izuku headed back to the station with band aids on his face and bandages on his hands. He took the bus this time instead of using the bike since he didn't want to risk Sakura's bike being vandalized by his coworkers. Plus, he needed some time to think. His uniform usually kept people away and they didn't ask about his quirk, or lack of one.

He was pretty sure that seeing his injuries would make everyone happy enough to leave him alone.

He walked into the station and tried to go back to his work.

"Hey, quirkless!"

Izuku flinched reflexively at the sudden yell. He turned towards the cop that had called him.

He was met with a disgusted and angry sneer.

"Why are you even here? You didn't do anything today!"

Izuku bit back the retort he wanted to shout. He had done something. But arguing with him would not do him any good.


Izuku looked over and sees Haru and Kambe.

"We wanted to invite you to eat with us." Kambe said.

"You don't have to." Izuku pointed out.

"We want to." Haru replied.

"... Alright. This isn't another kidnapping attempt, right?"

"No." Kambe answered. He turned and walked away. "Let's go."

"Oi! Don't just leave like that!" Haru scolded and ran after him. "Let's go, Midoriya!"

Izuku blinked. He decided to follow them. If he would be kidnapped, he'd probably be able to resist capture.

Kambe led them to his car parked in the parking lot. Izuku really wished he could recognize the car brand since he was sure it was expensive. But he couldn't so all he could see was a sleek black car. It was nicer than most cars he'd seen.

Izuku got inside with a bit of hesitancy. The car started up and he could feel his body rumble with the purr of the engine.

He blinked in surprise when Kambe didn't drive, despite being in the driver's seat. He spoke an order and the car drove itself.

Very fancy car.

They drove away from the station and onto the main road.

"How are your injuries?" Haru asked from the passenger seat.

"I'll be fine." Izuku replied. It was true. He'd always be fine.

"That's not what I'm asking." Haru pointed out.

Izuku blinked. Alright, normally people didn't pick up on that. Especially if they didn't care. So this was interesting.

"It hurts a bit, but not much." He corrected himself. "Besides, when am I not hurting?" He added quietly.

"This is your first mission, how are you always in pain?" Haru asked before his face darkened. "It's because of those other cops, right? They do that to you often."

"No, it doesn't happen that often. Once a week or something." Izuku replied nonchalantly.

Kambe twitched a little, glancing at Izuku from the rearview mirror.

"Why are you still at that station?" Haru frowned. "They shouldn't be allowed to do that."

"I couldn't find somewhere to live anywhere else." Izuku replied.

"So you're stuck there?" Haru frowned unhappily.

"Yeah." Izuku replied.

"If you could, would you leave?" Haru asked.

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