Chapter 27- Business Must Continue

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The last couple of days have been terrible to go through. I haven't spoken to Y/N since the last time I saw her and I have had nothing to do in the meantime. Finally, my meetings were commencing and the finalization of the new club was to take place.

I hired a few people to come and clean up the building and also movers for the furniture which were scheduled to set the stuff up. I wish Y/N could see the place coming together, how beautiful it would look with all of the things we had picked out together.

It was easy to not think, to lose myself in my work although she surrounded me everywhere I went. I could keep myself busy with all of the new things that were happening.

While I was closing things up in my old club, I saw Debbie walk in. Her face was flustered like she was upset at herself, but not at the same time like she was having a fight with herself in her head. She was in a hurry and rushed towards me. "Lou what do I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Tammy said she loves me and I don't know if I love her or not. What should I do?" She grabbed onto my arm and tugged at it like a kid waiting for the correct answer.

"Debbie," I took a deep breath. "You have to let yourself love someone who is willing to accept your love back." I smiled softly and went on with my work leaving Debbie to think about what I had said. She looked hurt because she knew that I had a point.

I think the main reason she loved me so much is from the fact that she knew I would never love her the way that she loved me. Tammy loved her truly and purely. If anyone could make Debbie happy, it was Tammy.

I went on with my day, keeping my distractions constant so my mind was always unfocused. It sounds counterproductive, but an undivided attention will be on one thing and that would not be work related.

*A Couple Days Later*

I got a lot of stuff done by the end of the week. The lights and tables were ready and the workers have transitioned into the new building. Y/N sent her staff over, but I didn't see her come by to see it. I ended up scheduling an opening for it that was going to happen within the next week. 

I had my office fixed up with a new desk and chair. I left a room open for Y/N with an empty desk and open shelves for her books and all the other clutter she likes to keep in her office. She still had a job if she was willing to take it.

I figured that she wanted to end our relationship since she hadn't said otherwise or even tried to speak to me anymore. I called her a few times, but gave up after the fifth try. I knew she was hurt, but I was hoping that our love was greater than that, but I guess I was wrong.

I did however receive a thank you letter from Y/N, thanking me for the jacket I had bought her. It was formal and kind, and I could tell that there was no love written with it. It was merely out of my generosity and because she was a nice person. It was a thank you and that was it. I put it in one of my desk drawers and locked it up. It might be the last time I heard from her, so I wanted to keep it safe.

Debbie was also being kinder to me and things were looking up for her and Tammy. I was happy that both of them were together. At least they could have their happy ending. I also wanted to be a supportive friend because I valued both of them as people, coworkers, and friends.

I remember that I had told Debbie a while ago to apologize to Y/N, but I don't think she ever did do it. At least Debbie was being sweet to talk to and no longer jealous. I couldn't help but wonder if she was a reason to why Y/N was staying away.

Buttercup, the cat, was doing alright, but I knew that it had become attached to Y/N in the short time at the town house, because it moped around my house in the city, almost searching for her. I would watch it some nights, meow by the door, waiting for her to walk in, but she never did. It was a saddening sight to witness.

Buttercup was healthy though, with plenty of food and water. It also had many toys to keep it company that Y/N had picked up from the store. The toys were all spread out in the house which annoyed me a bit since I like to keep everything organized, but the mess brought a smile to my face when I would see Buttercup run into a toy and begin to play with it.

I was printing invites to the new club opening and addressing the envelopes when Buttercup jumped on my lap and started to swat at the pen I was writing with. I let out a small laugh and wiggled the pen around my fingers as Buttercup took its paw and tapped at it.

Buttercup reminded me that I had not made an invite to Y/N. I wondered if I should even make one out to her, if she would even come. I doubt that she wanted to see me since she hadn't made any effort yet. Out of professionalism, and because she had put a payment down too, I addressed one to her and a handwritten note along with it.

I wrote that I still wanted to talk to her. I wrote that I was angry that she hadn't said anything to me, but I was also hurt that she didn't try to be with me anymore. I poured my heart out and I debated if I should just throw away or burn the note altogether. I hated showing my emotions to others, but this would be the only way that Y/N and I even had a chance to get back together.

I walked outside to my mailbox. I set all the other invites inside, but held Y/N's in my hand, hesitant about what I should do. Buttercup then meowed at me. I saw it sitting by the door and looking at me through a window close by.

I dropped her invite in the mailbox and headed back inside quickly to check up on Buttercup and make sure that everything was okay.

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